Jan 22, 2025  
2023 - 2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2023 - 2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Aviation Science - Concentration in Professional Aeronautics, B.S.

Catalog change 04/24/2024 

Select 30 credits from the subject areas below:

Removed statement from the concentration section.

Aviation Science, Emergency Management Natural Disasters, Certificate

Catalog change 04/24/2024

Renamed Aviation Science, Emergency Management Natural Disasters, Certificate to Emergency Management Natural Disasters, Certificate

Biology - Concentration in Pre-Medicine/Pre-Dentistry, B.S.

Catalog change 04/24/2024 

Free electives read 10 credit hours when it should be 9. Free electives changed to 9 credit hours.

Business Administration, Minor

Catalog change 04/24/2024 

TWO ONE 300-400 Level Business Courses Credits: 6 3

Updated total credit hours from 21 credits to 18 credits. A previous version of this catalog incorrectly listed the total credit hours.

Emergency Management, Minor

Catalog change 04/24/2024

Moved EM 298   from core course to elective (optional) choice.

Added the new EM courses optional list: EM 202 , EM 240 , EM 390 , EM 320 .

Added statement: Students must receive a grade of C or better in all courses.

Emergency Management

Catalog change 04/24/2024

Added statement: Students may receive up to two (2) D’s in Major Requirements (Core & Core Electives).

Engineering Technology with a Concentration in Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology, B.S

Catalog change 04/24/2024

  • Removed CHEM 101   - General Chemistry I Credits: 3 from the General Education section.
  • Changed ENGT 465L  - Microprocessor & Microcontroller Lab Credits: 1 or 2 to ENGT 465L  - Microprocessor & Microcontroller Lab Credits: 1.

Entrepreneurship Minor

Catalog change 04/24/2024

Change 1

  • Deleted the following courses in “core portion”
  1. BUAD 115  - Intro to Business
  2. ACCT 101  - Accounting for Non-Business majors

Change 2

  • Added ACCT 210  - Financial Accounting

Change 3

  • Deleted MNGT 421  - Operations Management from elective section.

Flight Lab Costs

Catalog change 04/24/2024

Updated flight costs.

Changed to 

Required Courses



Total Program Cost $29,000.00- $33,000.00



Catalog change 04/24/2024

  • KIN 205  - Concentration in Technology Application in Fitness and Wellness Credits: 1-1. Changed credit hours to 2.
  • KIN 205  - Concentration in Exercise Science Credits: 1-1. Changed credit hours to 2.
  • KIN 205  - Concentration in Physical Education and Health (Teaching). Changed credit hours to 2.
  • Added statement: Grade C or higher required in all core courses, core electives, related area, and concentration requirements.

Social Work

Catalog change 04/24/2024

  • The bold font indicates words that have been added.
  • In General Education should be POL298 OR BFIN 210. Added BFIN 210 as an OR statement. 
  • Removed duplicate section below.

Additional Requirements

All Pre-Professional and Professional Social Work courses must be taken in sequence.

Students must be admitted into the Social Work program and have completed SOWK 205SOWK 210SOWK 220SOWK 247SOWK 250, and SOWK 260 with a “C” or higher prior to enrollment in the Professional sequence Social Work courses.

Students must also maintain a 2.50 GPA (or higher) to continue matriculating in the Professional courses.

Students must complete an admission’s process prior entering the Field Experience and Seminar courses.

Note: The Social Work program does not grant course credit for employment/work experience.


  • Made changes to the Admission to the Social Work Program paragrah.

Admission to the Social Work Program

  • Return the completed application along with all supporting documents by February March 15th;
  • Return the completed application along with all supporting documents by February March 15th;
  • Transfer students return the completed application along with all supporting documents by February March 15th;
  • Completion of ENGL 102 and ENGL 103BIOL 100 or BIO 207, SOC 201, and PSY 212 and the six Social Work pre-professional courses. A “C” grade or higher is required in ENGL 102 and ENGL 103, and the six Social Work pre-professional courses (SOWK 205, 210, 220, 247, 250, and 260).
  • A cumulative GPA of 2.50 or higher;
  • Two (2) Professional Letters of Recommendation (faculty member, clergy, counselor, or other professionals in the human services field);
  • Agree to abide by the Council of Social Work Education (CSWE) Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS); National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics; and University policies; and Social Work program policies.
  • Approved Personal Statement (Writing Sample administered by the Social Work faculty);


NOTE: Students are only admitted to the Program during the Fall Spring semester of each academic year.

  • Made changes to the Field Education and Seminar paragraph.

Field Education and Seminar

Students must complete the application process prior to entering the Field Experience and Seminar courses. Across both program options, the Director of Field Education will provide the student with a referral to an agency for an interview. Students in the Social Work program are required to complete a minimum of 440 400 hours of supervised field experience at selected public, nonprofit, and for-profit human service agencies in North Carolina. Prior to enrollment in SOWK 444 and SOWK 445, Field Experience and Seminar I & II, students must have completed liberal arts, general education, pre-professional, and professional social work courses as outlined in the Social Work curriculum. Across both program options, the Social Work program has a concurrent placement model in field education. For both program options, the concurrent placement model requires students to complete 220 200 hours of supervised field education experience at selected human service agencies during the Fall and Spring semesters. For Program Option 1: Main Campus, students are in their selected field agencies for two days (Tuesday and Thursday) for approximately 14 hours per week. For Program Option 2: Off-Site Campuses, students are in their selected field agencies in the evenings and weekends. Only students that are a part of institutions with Articulation Agreements and have an Associate’s Degree in Human Services Technology are eligible for this program option. Across both program options, failure to successfully complete both courses in an academic year will require the student to repeat the entire process e.g. complete the application process, attend the pre-orientation meetings, and complete the interview to be placed at an agency. The student will not have to repeat the individual course, but he/she will be placed at a new agency. Students who do not satisfactorily complete Field Experience and Seminar forfeit hours earned and must reapply. Incomplete (I) grades are not given for SOWK 444 and SOWK 445 except in extreme extenuating  circumstances. Students who are readmitted to Field Experience and Seminar are assigned to new agencies. All students must earn a grade of “C” or higher in all required Social Work courses in order to graduate with the BSW Degree. In addition to the agency placements, students are required to attend and participate in a weekly seminar class. The seminar class is instrumental in guiding students in the field education process. The seminar classes also provide students the opportunity to discuss their agency experiences and to integrate Social Work knowledge, values, skills, cognitive and affective processes, and the program competencies with the field experience. In addition, the students will purchase liability insurance and complete a background check. Failure to apply will result in students not being considered for field education. Students employed in human service agencies will not be allowed to use their employment or work experiences as a substitute for their field education placements.

  • Made changes to the Transfer Student Policy paragraph.

Transfer Student Policy

Transfer students (including those who have already achieved junior status) and other students who change their major to Social Work must also go through the application process and be officially admitted into the Social Work program. There is not a guarantee that courses transferred from other degree programs or institutions of higher learning will substitute for required Social Work courses. Social Work Practice courses from other institutions cannot be transferred.

  • Made changes to the Major Requirements section.

Major Requirements (48 Hours)

All students declaring Social Work as their major must be formally admitted into the Social Work program. Students should apply for formal admission during the spring semester of the sophomore year. Admission requirements include the following:

  • A “C” grade or higher is required in ENGL 102  and ENGL 103 , and the six Social Work pre-professional courses (SOWK 205, 210, 220, 247, 250, and 260).
  • Complete the Application for Admission.
  • Complete the Personal Statement (Writing Sample administered by the Social Work faculty);
  • Submit two (2) Professional Letters of Recommendation.
  • Have a Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.50 (or higher); and
  • Agree to abide by university policies and the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics
  • Agree to abide by the Council of Social Work Education (CSWE) Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS); National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics; and University policies; and Social Work program policies.


Social Work, Substance Use and Addiction, Certificate

Catalog change 04/24/2024

Added Description and Entry Requirements.

Substance Use and Addiction Certificate to become a Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (CADC previously named CSAC).

This certificate is ideal for paraprofessionals in the community that are seeking jobs and/or promotions at substance abuse treatment programs. Also, students enrolled in any major on campus can complete this certificate.


The minimum requirement to enroll in the Certificate program is a high school diploma or equivalent.

Students can complete the certificate within one academic year. The certificate consists of eight courses (22 credit hours). Within the eight courses, students must complete a 300-hour internship.

At the end of this certificate, students will have to take a state examination and upon passing the exam, they will be certified as a Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (CADC).

The certificate will begin in Fall 2024. Students will have to complete to apply to be officially admitted in the Certificate program. Students can enroll in individual courses; however, certificates are issued only to students that officially apply and are enrolled in the certificate program. Students must be admitted into the Certificate program to enroll in SUA 400 - Substance Use and Addiction Seminar and Internship. For more information, contact Dr. Kim Downing, LCSW, ACSW via email at ksdowning@ecsu.edu or via phone at 252-335-3135.