2021 - 2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Department of Business, Accounting and Sports Management
Return to: School of Education and Business
The Department of Business, Accounting and Sport Management transforms students into competent professionals who contribute to the economic growth and development of Northeast North Carolina and beyond. We aspire to reach diverse students and increase their economic mobility while preparing them to be valuable members of the business community in northeastern North Carolina and beyond.
The Department provides a full spectrum of post-secondary business education courses with high academic and professional standards in preparation for success in life and in their chosen careers in a technologically oriented and competitive global environment.
For students seeking degrees outside the Business Administration, Accounting, and Sport management programs, business courses that count toward graduation must comprise less than 25% (30 semester hours) of the coursework required for the undergraduate degree received.
Admission Process
The purpose of the admission process is to ensure that only students who are prepared to be business administration, accounting, or sport management majors are admitted to those majors. Admission to Elizabeth City State University, while obviously required, does not constitute admission to the Business Administration or Accounting program.
General Process
Students enrolled at Elizabeth City State University or transferring from other institutions may be considered for admission to the Department of Business, Accounting and Sport Management. Students will complete an “intent to major” form in business as the first step and will be assigned a business department faculty advisor. To be eligible for admission to the Department, however, students must satisfy the following admission requirements:
Upon completion of the above courses, a student must submit an application for official admission to the Department. After the application has been approved, the student will be considered as matriculated into the program(s). Students not accepted may retake courses to meet eligibility requirements and reapply.
Once admitted to the Department, the student’s progress will be monitored and the student will be subject to the Department’s retention process.
The Department of Business, Accounting and Sport Management offers the following degrees:
- Bachelor of Science in Accounting
- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. (Requires a concentration in one of the following three concentrations: Economics and Finance, Management and Entrepreneurship, or Marketing and Management Information System).
- Bachelor of Science in Sport Management.
The Department also offers a minor in Business Administration, a minor in Entrepreneurship, and a minor in Accounting for students who are pursuing majors in other departments. Individuals may also pursue a certificate in Entrepreneurship, Economics, Finance, or Project Management.
In addition to residential offerings at the Elizabeth City campus, the Department participates in the University’s Distance Learning Program. Online 2+2 degree completion programs are available with selected partner community colleges including Pitt Community College and Edgecombe Community College.
Mission Statement
The Department of Business, Accounting and Sport Management transforms students into comptent professionals who contribute to the economic growth and development of Northeast North Carolina and beyond. We achieve this through classroom-based, online, and experiential learning, relevant research, and engagement with the community and key stakeholders.
Retention Process
The purpose of the retention process is to ensure timely completion of the business administration, accounting, and sport management degree programs through early intervention in meeting academic eligibility and graduation requirements. This process applies only to those students who are admitted to the Department and is separate from the University’s “academic eligibility standards” in the ECSU catalog. Students admitted to the Department are those who meet the requirements established in the Department’s Admission Process.
General Process
Students in the Sport Management program must earn a “C” or higher in all courses carrying the PESM prefix for graduation. In order to graduate with a degree in Accounting or Business Administration, students are allowed no more than two “Ds” in courses offered in the Department of Business, Accounting and Sport Management. Students in any of the three majors must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 on a 4.0 scale. In addition, the grade for all courses serving as a prerequisite for another course must be “C” or better:
- WARNING: The semester in which a business student’s cumulative GPA in the major courses falls below the minimum requirement of 2.0 will result in the issuance of a “Warning” letter from the University. Students under warning must retake courses in which they earned a grade below “C”, and the student will be allowed to enroll in no more than 12 semester hours of both business and non-business courses.
- PROBATION: A student who fails to meet the minimum cumulative GPA in the major courses the semester after the warning will be placed on probation. Students placed on probation will be required to meet with their academic advisors for counseling. The advisors will direct the students to tutorial and developmental student services to help them improve their academic performance.
While on probation, students will be counseled not to take additional business courses but rather to retake business courses in which they earned a grade below a “C to the extent practicable”. However, they may take general education and non-business elective courses to attempt to improve their overall GPA.
NOTE: Repeating courses is subject to the limitations specified in the University’s catalog “Repeating of Courses Policy.” A student may “repeat a given course only twice.” In addition, a student “may repeat a maximum of 15 semester hours during the matriculation toward a degree.”
Return to: School of Education and Business