Feb 14, 2025  
2021 - 2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
2021 - 2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Affairs

Division of Student Affairs

The Division of Student Affairs provides many opportunities for students to develop personally and socially through active engagement in experiences such as community service, career exploration, health and fitness, and campus life. The Division strives to create and promote an environment in which students can develop into mature, well-rounded citizens who are self-disciplined and aware of the lifelong process of learning. The Division includes the Office of the Dean of Students, Career Development Center, Community Standards/Student Conduct, Counseling and Testing, Special Needs Services, Housing and Residence Life, Student Engagement, Title IX, Military & Veteran’s Services, Student Health and Wellness and Campus Recreation.

Student Affairs assists with student’s adjustment to both the academic and the non-academic environments of the campus.

Student Affairs programs are designed to promote student initiative, responsibility, integrity, and opportunities for leadership.

For more information contact the Division of Student Affairs, C.W. Griffin Hall, Suite 200, Elizabeth City, NC 27909 at 252-335-3279, Fax: 252-335-3502.

Office of the Dean of Students

The Office of the Dean of Students is directly responsible for Student Conduct and Community Standards, Campus Assessment, Response, and Evaluation (C.A.R.E.) Team, Sexual Assault Response Team (SART)/Coordinated Community Response Team (CCRT), Alcohol and Other Drugs Education and Prevention Team, and leading student advocacy efforts.

The Office of the Dean of Students can be reached in Griffin Hall, Suite 200, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., via phone number at 252-335-3276, or via email deanofstudents@ecsu.edu

Community Standards

Under the direction of the Dean of Students, community standards exist to cultivate an atmosphere of civility and respect among our students. Our goal is to educate students about the policies and regulations that will impact their time at Elizabeth City State University (ECSU) and to promote students’ awareness and understanding of their rights and responsibilities as members of the ECSU campus community. Information regarding students’ rights and responsibilities can be found in the ECSU Student Code of Conduct available here.

Student Engagement & Leadership (SEAL)

Student Engagement & Leadership facilitates student participation in various organizations, events and development opportunities such as service groups, clubs, health and wellness programs and cultural activities. The office provides experiences that supplement academic instruction and support students to develop personally, socially and intellectually through a broad spectrum of services, programs, and events. The Office of Student Engagement is responsible for Advising all Student Leader groups such as Student Government Association, Campus Activity Board, and Elizabeth City State University’s Royal Court. The office also supervises all Fraternities and Sororities on campus such as NPHC and IFC.

New Student Orientation

The Office of Student Engagement coordinates the New Student Orientation program (NSO) for new freshmen and transfer students. NSO introduces students to university programs and services, provides an opportunity for new students to interact with staff, faculty, and administrators, and students receive academic advisement and guidance with registering for classes. NSO is offered during the months of June, July, August, and January and is required for all new students prior to enrollment.

Orientation Leaders

Viking Voyage Leaders (VVL) are a group of student leaders who work with new first-year and transfer students during the New Student Orientation program. Members serve as peer educators, tour guides, and discussion leaders. Students interested in VVL must have a 2.6 GPA and complete an application process by the deadline.

Student Clubs and Organizations

A variety of social, academic, and service organizations exist on campus to aid in the holistic development of ECSU students. Membership is open to all students who maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 and who are officially enrolled in the University. Participation in clubs and organizations provides a wonderful opportunity for leadership training and social education. There are approximately 80 registered organizations.

For more information, contact: Office of Student Engagement & Leadership, Walter N. & Henrietta B. Ridley Student Center, Suite 211, Elizabeth City, NC 27909, (252) 335-3143.

Graduate Student Council (GSC)

The Graduate Student Council (GSC) is dedicated to:

  • Serve as the official representative body for students enrolled in graduate programs at Elizabeth City State University.
  • Provide a forum for discussion of issues, both internal and external, of concern to graduate students.
  • Represent graduate student interests before the ECSU faculty and administration.
  • Organize, promote, and conduct activities beneficial to graduate student life.
  • Disseminate information of interest to students pursuing graduate education at ECSU.
  • Provide support and assistance to graduate student organizations.
  • Own and manage property and accounts which will assist in securing the above objectives.
  • Select graduate students for appointment to university committees.
  • Provide a common association among graduate students in all departments of the University represented with graduate programs.

Honor and Recognition Societies

Elizabeth City State University has eight honor and recognition societies. To qualify for membership, a student must have a high academic average as well as good character. The eight societies are: Alpha Chi (N.C. Iota Chapter), Alpha Kappa Mu (Alpha Kappa Chapter), Alpha Phi Gamma (Delta Rho Chapter), Beta Beta Beta (Eta Chi Chapter), Kappa Delta Pi (Kappa Delta Chapter), the Sigma Tau Delta (English), Lambda Pi Eta (Communications Studies) and Psi Chi (Psychology).

Fraternity & Sorority Life

Joint Fraternity & Sorority Life Council serve as the umbrella organizations for all Fraternities, Sororities and Social Fellowship Groups on campus. Each has its own membership policies and goals. A member of the organization should be contacted for specific details pertaining to his or herthe organization.

Viking Leadership Academy

The Viking Leadership Academy (VLA) is designed for students who are interested in holding a leadership position on campus. Through a year-long series of seminars and workshops, participants will assess their leadership style, practice leadership skills, meet and interact with campus and community leaders, plan strategies for campus and community involvement, and set goals for their personal leadership development.

The Office of Title IX

ECSU is committed to ensuring that every member of our community enjoys an environment free of sex discrimination and sexual harassment. Title IX is a federal educational amendment created in 1972 that prohibits discrimination based on sex/gender. Title IX states that no person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. Consistent with Title IX, ECSU does not discriminate against students, employees or members of the community on the basis of sex in any of its programs or activities.

Title IX requires that all educational institutions that receive federal financial assistance prohibit sex discrimination in their education programs and activities. These provisions apply to all programs and activities, including recruitment, student admissions, financial assistance, housing, access to academic offerings and athletics.

Title IX prohibits all forms of discrimination and harassment based on sex, to include sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking. In addition, it prohibits any and all forms of retaliation. Title IX applies to all students, faculty, staff, contractors, visitors and third parties. Students, faculty, or staff who violate our policies may face discipline, up to and including, expulsion or termination.

The Office of Title IX is located in CW Griffin Hall Room 130 and may be reached via the following methods: Telephone: 252-335-3907 or 252-368-6406; Email: titleixcoordinator@ecsu.edu and via the SAFE ECSU Website located on the main ECSU website www.ecsu.edu.

Under Title IX, ECSU offers the following on-campus and off-campus resources:

On-Campus Resources

Professional counseling services are available through Student Counseling Services. Any student that is subject to any type of sexual or physical violence should visit the Office of Student Health Services for medical attention

Off Campus Resources

The Albemarle Hopeline is available to assist individuals that have been the victim of any type of sexual violence, dating violence and domestic violence. They may be reached at primary phone: (252) 338-5338 or 24-Hour Crisis Line: (252) 338-3011

Employee Counseling Services are available to faculty and staff at ComPsych (ECSU’s Employee Assistance Program Provider) Phone: (866) 511-3365

Students may also visit Sentara Albemarle Medical Center for off-campus medical attention. Sentara Albemarle Medical Center is located at 1144 North Road Street, Elizabeth City, NC 27909; Phone: (252) 335-0531.

The PACE Center

PACE stands for Prevention, Awareness Cultural Education. It is supported by a collaborative team of on- and off-campus partners. The Center is committed to decreasing violence on campus through outreach and advocacy and is open to individuals of all genders in the ECSU community. The PACE Center works to promote awareness of cultural factors that support violence and to combat these factors in efforts to change cultural norms on campus related to sexual assault, relationship violence, domestic violence, and stalking.

Goals of the PACE Center include:

  • Development of preventive and survivor-focused programming to aid victims of sexual assault and sexual violence
  • Promote an inclusive learning environment
  • Continued education of campus community members on the importance of consent
  • Implementation of prevention and education materials for all incoming and current students
  • Provision of bystander intervention training to campus and student leaders
  • Fostering of dialog among campus departments and between students, faculty, and staff
  • Communication of the unacceptable consequences of sexual violence on the individual and the community to students, staff, and faculty
  • Development of university policy and protocol related to sexual misconduct and sexual assault

Note on confidentiality: The PACE Center is subject to Clery Act and Title IX regulations.

Career Development Center

The Career Development Center aids students at various stages of their career with decision-making, exploration, and the job search process. A variety of programs and services assist students in defining their career objectives and finding out about the current job market while learning how to conduct a job search for employment.

In addition to the career decision and exploration services, the Career Development Center provides extensive assistance with workshops on interviewing, résumé writing, and business etiquette, and online internship and employment search resources.

The Career Development Center disseminates information concerning available internships and jobs, and it handles all arrangements when employers visit the campus to interview students. On-campus recruiting is scheduled through the center during the Fall and Spring semesters. Students can also make valuable employment contacts at the Annual Career and Graduate School Fair held in the fall and spring semester. Alumni may also receive career assistance on employment vacancy listings through Career Development.

Services Provided Include:

Career Counseling
On Campus Recruiting
Career, Education and Graduate School Fair
Graduate and Professional School Information
Workshops: (Resume Writing, Interview Techniques, etc.), Dress for Success
Job Search Preparation
Networking Opportunities

Career Resources

  • Handshake
  • Linkedin Learning
  • Virtual Job Shadow
  • Viking Career Closet

Internship Programs

Internships can offer innovative ways to achieve career success for students working with the latest technology in their field of study. Students gain valuable work experience in a wide variety of fields. The Career Development Center helps students prepare and find paid and unpaid internship opportunities.

For more information contact: Career Development Center, C.W. Griffin Hall, Suite 500, Elizabeth City, NC 27909, Telephone: 252-335-3318.

Student Accessibility and Testing Services

Student Accessibility Services

Elizabeth City State University is open and accessible to students with disabilities. We are committed to providing assistance to enable qualified students to accomplish their educational goals, as well as assuring equal opportunity to derive all of the benefits of campus life.

Through intentional partnerships with students, faculty and staff, the Office of Student Accessibility and Testing Services strives to create an atmosphere that encourages students’ independence, responsibility for self, effective communication skills and a respect for the diverse learning experience.

In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), Elizabeth City State University offers services to students with disabilities. Any student seeking accommodations must notify the Office of Student Accessibility & Testing Services ada504-coordinator@ecsu.edu Students must submit required forms and provide current documentation of their disability.

Testing Services

Additionally, the Office of Student Accessibility and Testing Services offers testing (CLEP, LSAT, MAT, SAT, ACT, GRE, UNC Proctored Exams and other exams as requested). Contact Student Accessibility & Testing Services at (252) 335-3642; ada504-coordinator@ecsu.edu

Student Counseling Services

Student Counseling Services provides professional counseling services to student enrolled at Elizabeth City State University. Beyond individual counseling, Student Counseling Services facilitates psycho-educational groups for personal and social development. Also, a series of self-development workshops are offered during the Fall and Spring semesters. Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

Healthy Relationships
Depression and Anxiety
Anger Management
Stress and Time Management
Grief and Loss

Student Counseling Services is free and confidential. The center is located in Griffin Hall and open to meet with students Monday-Friday, 8:30AM-4:30PM. Referrals are made for psychiatric and medication management off campus with mental health providers in Elizabeth City or with a telemedicine provider in North Carolina.

SCS Collegiate Recovery Community

Student Counseling Services has a Collegiate Recovery Community (Viking CARES) and the primary focus is substance prevention and treatment services. Viking CARES (Campus Advocates for Recovery and Educational Services) is a new program to identify students in need and encourage services. Also, Viking CARES provides outreach and training to students, faculty, and staff. Please contact Student Counseling Services for more information.

SCS Counseling Practicum & Internship Program

Student Counseling Services provides training to students who are completing requirements for a Master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling. Students are required to complete an interview and submit a reference letter from your department confirming readiness to begin the practicum or internship experience. Practicum and internships are nonpaid positions and only available to Master’s degree seeking students.

Contact information

Student Counseling Services, Griffin Hall, Suite 300, Elizabeth City, NC 27909. Telephone: 252-335-3267 for appointments, 252-335-3275 - Director’s line

Housing & Residence Life

Housing & Residence Life

Elizabeth City State University offers residential living to full-time students who are admitted and enrolled at the University. The residential living areas are comprised of four suite-style residence halls and one traditional style residence hall.

Residence halls are staffed by a team of Residential Life Community Directors, Resident Assistants, Desk Assistants, Graduate Assistants and Residence Security Officers. Our residence halls are staffed twenty-four hours a day. Students are encouraged to be active members of the residence hall community by planning and attending hall programs, creating and adhering to community standards and being open to new experiences. Currently, the following residence halls online:

  • Bias Hall: Co-ed traditional residence hall (Living & Learning Communities). Capacity 103
  • University Suites: Co-ed residence hall (juniors and seniors). Capacity: 200
  • University Towers: Co-ed residence hall (freshman). Capacity: 200
  • Viking Tower: Co-ed residence hall (sophomores and freshman). Capacity: 232
  • Viking Village: Co-ed/apartment style residence hall (upperclassmen). Capacity: 321

The amenities offered in each residence hall are: Air conditioning computer labs, cable TV, handicapped accessible, WI-FI and laundry facilities.

A virtual tour can be taken of our residence halls (ecsu.edu)

Residence halls are officially closed during the Thanksgiving, Winter and Spring Breaks, or other times as needed to comply with emergency situations.

Full-time students that wish to live on campus must pay the $150 non-refundable Housing Application Fee prior to each term.

A comprehensive list of the Housing and Residence Life policies and practices can be found in the Housing Agreement and Resident Student Handbook.

Office of Military and Veterans Affairs

Elizabeth City State University Office of Military and Veterans Affairs supports the active-duty, veterans, spouses, and their dependents, Reserve and National Guard members, and ROTC cadets. We use the university resources to help our active-duty veterans, spouses, and dependents attending ECSU. This office assists student veterans, active duty- service members, spouses, and dependents with securing their educational benefits provided by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. The Staff provides a sense of community through veteran-center events and activities and heightens awareness of veterans’ issues among the campus community. We advocate on issues that are relevant to student veterans on state and federal issues. Maintain a rich veteran heritage on the university campus.

The Office of Military and Veterans Affairs is dedicated to the success of our affiliated military students even before they start their educational journey. OMVA assists active military members, veterans, spouses, and their dependents. We help with processing education benefits, connecting them to the degree program of their dreams, and easing the transition from active-duty military service to campus life. We are here to help them on their journey. OMVA will give our veterans the support and raise awareness of veterans’ issues among the campus and local communities and support student veterans through graduation and a rewarding career.

International Students

The Office of International Students welcomes all new and returning international students. We are here as a resource for all F-1 students concerning immigration regulations. Our goal is to support you during your transition into life here at ECSU, the Elizabeth City community, and the U.S.

Student Health Services

Student Health Services provides accessible, quality health care services and educational programs to population. The services include diagnosis treatment and follow-up on general medical and urgent health care needs such as: allergy injections, immunizations, depo injections, HIV testing and counseling, laboratory services, COVID-19 testing, and limited pharmaceuticals. Students may incur charges for certain services rendered at Student Health Services.

All new and transfer students taking more than four credit hours on campus and admitted to the University are required to submit a completed Medical History Form. In addition, all new and transfer students must provide an immunization record to the University as required by the North Carolina Immunization Law (General Statutes 130A-152). Readmitted students who re-enroll after an absence of six months or more must also provide Student Health Services with updated immunization records.

Immunizations along with the Medical History form must be returned to Student Health Services NO LATER THAN:


Hours of Operation

Student Health Services clinic is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. There is an onsite physician available 2 days a week. Telehealth services are available to students 24 hours, 7 days a week. Should a student suffer an injury or become seriously ill on campus when Student Health Services is closed, he or she should notify the Residence Life Community Director or Campus Police. Please call 911 to activate the local emergency management system for emergencies.

Student Health Insurance

All registered students are required to have health insurance. Therefore, health insurance can be obtained through a private policy or through the plan offered by the University. The primary purpose of this coverage is to offset the costs of health.

  • All registered students taking six (6) or more credit hours are required to purchase the student health insurance plan, with the following exceptions: distance education students and students who submit evidence of equivalent coverage satisfactory to the policyholder. If you do not submit a waiver online, you will automatically purchase the Student Health Insurance and the charge will remain on your student account. If you have any questions, please contact Student Accounts at (252) 335-3471.
  • Students enrolled in online ONLY classes are not eligible for the state health insurance plan
  • Students participating in sports are eligible to waive or enroll.
  • Please note the following: Students MUST enroll in or waive out of the coverage by visiting www.studentbluenc.com/ecsu to start the enrollment or waiver process. Students that do not submit an approved waiver, and have not enrolled themselves in the program, will be enrolled automatically.

For more information on the Plan benefits and to enroll or waive, Please visit www.studentbluenc.com/ecsu

Brochures outlining the coverage and limitations may be viewed online at www.bcbsnc.com/ecsu/edu. There will be a two-week appeal period immediately following the waiver student health insurance verification process prior to the campus deadline for submitting a waiver request as well as students who filed a waiver request and had it declined. The campus-based appeal process is the same for all students across all UNC campuses.

Fees and charges for medical services, diagnostic procedures, and laboratory services not covered by the student health insurance are the responsibility of the student. Student Health Services will file claims if the student has health insurance provided by the University. All other insurance claims are not filed by Student Health Services for students.

Peer Wellness Ambassadors

Peer Wellness Ambassadors is a group of students trained to deliver prevention messages and encourage healthy lifestyles to their peers. Members assist Student Health Services with conducting educational programming and performing outreach activities. Interested students must have a 2.0 GPA or higher and submit an application. Applications are available online.

Campus Recreation and Wellness

Campus Recreation & Wellness provides an opportunity for students to participate in a variety of recreational activities. The program includes intramural sports, aquatics, off campus adventures, weightlifting, fitness and wellness seminars. The Campus Recreation & Wellness program is open to all individuals who are officially enrolled in the University or employed by the University.

The intramural program includes non-competitive as well as competitive activities such as bowling, basketball, volleyball, softball, men’s and women’s flag football, racquet ball, co-ed softball, powder puff football, kickball, dodgeball and other sports. The aquatic program includes open free swim. The Wellness program includes Step, HIIT, Yoga and Zumba classes. The Recreation & Wellness Department collaborates with the University Counseling, Student Health and Food Services Department to provide holistic information and programming that focuses on our students/faculty and staff overall well-being.

The following facilities operate under the Recreation & Wellness Department:

  • Williams Hall Gymnasium
  • Wellness Center
  • Outdoor Recreation Field
  • Bowling Center
  • Vaughan Center Swimming Pool

For more information on our intramural sport programs, activities, and wellness programs please visit the University website or give us a call at (252) 335-3428. In addition, to follow our department you can follow us on Instagram and/or Twitter at ecsu_recsports.

Walter N. and Henrietta B. Ridley Student Complex

The Complex consists of “The Grill”, The Bowling Center, and the Walter N. & Henrietta B. Ridley Student Center. The center is approximately 50,000 square feet. This facility was opened to students in May, 2005, and serves as the nucleus for many university activities. The center houses the following offices and services:

Office of Student Engagement
Student Government Association (SGA)
Greek Life
Theater Room
Multi-purpose Activity Space
ECSU Campus Bookstore
Study Nook
Bowling Center
Bedell Cafeteria
Campus Post Office
The Blue Room - Formal Dining Room

Bowling Center

The Bowling Center offers the following activities and services for students: bowling, billiards, ping pong, sport equipment rentals, bicycle rentals, video games, board games and cards.

The Bowling Center is available for private events for students, employees and community members by reserving the space through the Office of Student Engagement.


The ECSU Student Handbook is the primary source of information regarding campus life and other university regulations. Student Rights and Responsibilities, Policies and Procedures is a document that addresses the fundamental rights and responsibilities of students, which is included in the student handbook.

Intercollegiate Athletics

The Intercollegiate Athletic Program is an integral part of Elizabeth City State University. Committed to academic excellence, the program takes pride in having one of the highest graduation rates of athletes attending the NCAA Division II colleges and universities in North Carolina.
Varsity sports provide an opportunity for athletically gifted students to compete on an intercollegiate basis. Mastery of skills, good health, a love of sports, and a spirit of friendship and camaraderie form the basis for our competitive sports program.

The University features a main gymnasium (R.L. Vaughan Center) with seating for 4,500 spectators plus many other features. Men’s varsity teams include football, cross-country, basketball, golf, and cheer-leading. Volleyball, bowling, cross country, basketball, softball, tennis, golf, and cheer-leading have teams for women at the varsity level. Teams are nicknamed the “Vikings” and the “Lady Vikings.”

The University has athletic affiliations with the Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association (CIAA) and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).