Feb 14, 2025  
2021 - 2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
2021 - 2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Community Support Services

Arctic and Antarctic Research Experience for Undergraduates

The AaA-REU program objective is to promote the professional development of minority undergraduate students through their participation in ocean, marine, and polar science research. Each undergraduate student is assigned to a specific research team, where they work closely with the faculty. In addition, seminars, lunch meetings, and social functions are organized to facilitate undergraduate interaction. The project is conducted for eight weeks during the summer, with on-line mentoring and follow-up during the academic year. The program also includes a Research Experience for Teachers (RET) component, which involves pre-service STEM education majors. Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF).

Center of Excellence in Remote Sensing Education and Research (CERSER)

The goal of The Center of Excellence in Remote Sensing Education and Research (CERSER) is to develop and implement innovative and relevant education and research collaborations focused on ice sheet, coastal, ocean, and marine research. CERSER maintains a suite of research, education, and STEM outreach programs which support student research and training. CERSER research activities were documented in the paper titled “Temporal Reduction and Loss of an Ice Shelf in Pine Island Bay, Antarctica: 1972 - 2003” in the June 2013 issue of the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. As a result of this study, the bay, which was progressively exposed over the 30-year period during which the occupying ice shelf slowly retreated, was named by the US-Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names Board of Geographic Names for Elizabeth City State University and was entered into the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS), the nation’s official geographic names repository. CERSER education and training activities provides millions of dollars in scholarships and student support. Funding Agencies: NSF, Department of Defense, and NASA.

Engaging Minority University Stem Education Professors in the Science of Climate Change

Elizabeth City State University has joined with the University of New Hampshire under the NASA Innovations in Climate Education (NICE) to empower faculty of education programs at Minority Serving Institutions to better engage their pre-service students in teaching and learning about global climate change through the use of NASA Earth observation sets. The project provides the faculty with approaches to understanding climate change and its impacts on terrestrial and ocean ecosystems. The faculty conducts fieldwork that emphasizes place-based pedagogy. This project is designed to impact teaching first on college campuses within science education classes. Second, as pre-service teachers transition into in-service teachers, the impact will extend to elementary and secondary schools. Funding Agency: NASA

Glacier Exploration and Polar Science Education Program

The Glacier Exploration and Polar Science Education Program provides students with genuine research experiences, augmented by mentoring and sustained engagement with the polar community. The Glacier Exploration and Polar Science Education Program accesses the facilities available at the Icefield Research Program in Alaska, the CERSER facility at ECSU, and the Brathay Exploration Group in Norway. The program operates in partnership with The Pennsylvania State University. Funding Agency: NSF.

HIV/STD Prevention Program

The primary goal of this project is to empower college/university students with special emphasis on African-Americans and Native Americans to change behaviors that place them at risk for HIV and STD infections. Peer Health Educators have been trained to promote HIV prevention through health education/risk reduction messages amongst their peers. Campus Coordinators have been identified to oversee prevention activities such as health fairs, HIV/AIDS counseling and testing events, STD screenings, public service announcements, social marketing campaigns, and student leadership development workshops. Funding Agency: N.C. Department of Health and Human Services.

Increasing The Pharmacy Workforce In Northeastern NC

This project provides resource funding for the Pharmacy Program and the Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT) tutorial seminars for interested students. The Project also provides scholarships for students in the Department of Math, Science, and Technology, and in the Pharmacy Program. Funding Agency: Wachovia Foundation.

NASA MUREP Aerospace Academy of Northeastern North Carolina

Is a collaborative effort between Elizabeth City State University (ECSU) and the National Aeronautical and Space Administration’s (NASA’s). The program will adopt a well-established NASA STEM curriculum with problem-based learning at its core, aligned with Next Generation Science Standards, with the commitment to increase STEM exposure for students in grades K- 12. This week-long structured STEM enrichment program engages High School students in hands-on activities that improve their critical thinking and analytical skills within science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Participants will develop and strengthen the skills and knowledge needed for success in STEM studies and STEM Careers. Hands-on activities in our Aerospace Education Lab (AEL) will be complemented by guest speakers and field trips. All Aerospace Academy activities will lead to a final project, culminating with an awards program.

Drone Exploration Academy

The goal of the Drone Exploration Academy is to capitalize on the increasing popularity of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), commonly known as Drones, to spark student interest and provide an experiential learning opportunity (ELO) in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Through hands-on project activities, students will be engaged real-world engineering design and scientific investigation using drones. Funding Agency: Burroughs Wellcome Fund (BWF) and NASA.

National Summer Transportation Institute

The NSTI program has offered on ECSU campus for over two decades. The goal of the program is to expose high school students to careers in transportation and how STEM training is the key to obtain theses careers. The four-week program covers topics in physics, electronics, programming, computer-aided-design, and mathematics. Lectures are complimented weekly field trips and guest speakers. Funding Agency: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

ECSU-Air Force Junior ROTC Flight Academy

ECSU - Air Force Junior ROTC Flight Academy is an approximately 8-week summer aviation-training program. Upon successful completion of the program, students will be prepared for Private Pilot’s Certification. The Flight Academy is intended to inspire and encourage high school youth toward aviation careers. The scholarship program is a collaborative effort between the Institution of Higher Education and the Air Force to address a national pilot shortage. The Flight Academy also addresses a secondary national issue of diversity. Air Force Junior ROTC currently has 125,000 cadets enrolled in high schools across the nation and is the Air Force’s most diverse program.

NASA Total Antarctic Ice Sheet Discharge Program

Through this program, students at Elizabeth City State University will be taught to use-state-of-the-art remote sensory methods and data analysis techniques. These techniques will analyze data sets from multiple sources (including Ecesat, Landsat, and Insar) to assist in pioneering efforts to determine the total discharge of ice from the grounded Antarctic Ice Sheet. Funding Agency: NASA.

Polar Grid Infrastructure Program

The Polar Grid Infrastructure Program includes support for training activities associated with new partnerships across academia, government agencies, private sectors, and polar scientists who are targeted as users of the Polar Grid Research. One of the major goals of this Program is to foster the integration of Polar Science research and education through the use of the virtual classroom environment and the smaller ECSU Grid. The project will extend the virtual classroom capabilities and installation of a GRID network for training purposes. Another goal of this program is to make a wide range of resources available in the form of on-site training, on-line tutorials and courses, and other resources for education, outreach, and training. Funding Agency: National Science Foundation.

Science Gateway Institute

The idea for the SGW-I grew out of the results of an NSF-funded study examining the characteristics of successful, sustainable science gateways. A Science Gateway is a community-developed set of tools, applications, and data collections that are integrated through a portal or a suite of applications. Gateways provide access to a variety of capabilities including workflow, visualization, resource discovery, and job execution services. This Institute is envisioned to offer several services and resources to support the gateway development community across the entire life cycle of a gateway. Funding Agency: NSF.