Feb 09, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Division of Academic Affairs


The academic units of the University consist of 3 Schools which house 9 academic Departments under the administrative leadership and supervision of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, associate vice chancellors, assistant vice chancellor, deans, department chairs, and program coordinators. The departments offer various curricula leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Education, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts, and Bachelor of Science in Social Work. The Office of Student Success is also an academic unit of the Division of Academic Affairs. The schools including academic departments are as follows:

The School of Education and Business

  • Department of Business, Accounting and Sports Management
  • Department of Education

The School of Humanities and Social Sciences

  • Department of English, History and Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Department of Social Sciences
  • Department of Music and Visual Arts

The School of Science, Aviation, Health and Technology

  • Department of Aviation and Emergency Management
  • Department of Health and Human Studies
  • Department of Mathematics, Computer Science and Applied Engineering
  • Department of Natural Sciences

Academic Affairs also oversees the management and operations of Admissions and Recruitment, Student Financial Aid and Scholarships, and the Office of the Registrar. With the demands of the 21st century, it is imperative that enrollments increase and are managed effectively. When this occurs, students who reach their potential as a result of their ECSU experience are invaluable in multiple markets. In addition, it is clear that recruiting targeted markets and deploying specific strategies tend to support increased graduation rates. Therefore, using a multi-faceted approach, the University addresses and manages enrollment concerns by coordinating the efforts of the offices outlined below.


The Office of Admissions works to enroll students whose academic achievements are reflective of a rigorous and engaging curriculum. That means we value intellectual ability, academic achievement, and personal abilities that contribute to the Elizabeth City State University community.

The policy that guides admission to Elizabeth City State University is set by the University Of North Carolina Board Of Governors as available in Chapter 700 of the UNC Policy Manual.

Student Financial Aid and Scholarships

The Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships is committed to assisting students and families in planning for and meeting expenses associated with attendance at the University. We focus on establishing aid eligibility, awarding scholarships, grants, loans, and employment to eligible students, and providing financial aid counseling to students and families for the resolution of problems associated with financing an education.

University Registrar

The Office of the Registrar is the steward of student records from the point of matriculation to the conferral of the degree. We offer a wide range of services to faculty, students, and members of the administration in the areas of academic records, student status, transcript requests, course enrollment, and graduation.

Office of Admissions

Admission to Elizabeth City State University is granted to all applicants who meet the minimum admission requirements. Equal consideration is given to all applicants, regardless of race, creed, national origin, or disabling conditions. The University reserves the right to bring closure to the admissions process when no further space is available. Official notification of admission eligibility will be sent to each applicant immediately after all credentials have been thoroughly evaluated.

It is recommended that high school students apply for admission to ECSU at the start of their senior year of high school. Closing dates for the submission of a completed application are listed below:

Fall Semester Admission Deadline August 1
Spring Semester Admission Deadline January 2
Summer Session Admission Deadline The First Day of Instruction

Admission and application deadlines for Special Programs, Summer Sessions, and other Continuing Education courses and/or programs are announced through appropriate publications.

Application Process

  1. Application forms may be submitted online at: www.ecsu.edu
  2. Applications must be accompanied by a nontransferable, nonrefundable $30 application fee (or fee waiver), a current official transcript, and Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or American College Test (ACT) test scores.
  3. Transfer applicants must have forwarded to Elizabeth City State University an official transcript of all previous college work and an official high school transcript(s), if applicable. Applications must list all colleges attended, including date(s) of attendance. After being accepted, each student is required to submit official final documentation of high school transcripts, college transcripts, and test scores. Students who do not submit all required documents and/or forms as requested by the first day of instruction, will have an administrative hold placed on their students account and/or be subject to dis-enrollment from the University.
  4. All identified Military affiliated students will be referred to the office of the Director of Military Affairs for further assistance. This office is required to have on file an official high school transcript for all undergraduate students, including transfer students, who are eligible to receive VA benefits. Certification will not occur if official transcripts from previously attended institutions are not submitted for application processing.

Elizabeth City State University admits students at the beginning of the Fall, Spring, and Summer terms. Failure to submit applications with complete and accurate information will result in the cancellation of registration and dismissal from the University.

Minimum Course Requirements

In addition to the requirement that students should hold a high school diploma or its equivalent, the University Of North Carolina Board of Governors has, since 1988, established minimum course requirements for undergraduate admission, including a fourth unit of mathematics. These requirements are summarized below:

Six course units in language, including

  • four units in English, and
  • two consecutive units of a language other than English

Four course units of mathematics in any of the following combinations:

  • Common Core I, II, III, and one unit beyond common Core III
  • Algebra I and II, Geometry, and one unit beyond Algebra II,
  • Algebra I and II, and two units beyond Algebra II, or
  • Integrated Math I, II, and III, and one unit beyond Integrated Math III.
  • (The fourth unit of math affects applicants to all UNC institutions except the North Carolina School Of the Arts). It is recommended that prospective students take a mathematics course unit in the twelfth grade.

Three course units in science, including

  • at least one unit in a life or biological science (for example, biology),
  • at least one unit in physical science (for example, physical science, chemistry, physics), and
  • at least one laboratory course.

Two course units in social studies, including one unit in U.S. History, but an applicant who does not have the unit in U.S. History may be admitted on the condition that at least three semester hours in that subject will be passed by the end of the sophomore year at Elizabeth City State University.

Applicants who graduated from high school from June 1990 to June 2006 must meet the following:

  • Graduation from an accredited secondary school (If the applicant did not graduate, a high school equivalency or GED is required.)
  • Presentation of a satisfactory combination of high school grade point average (GPA), and SAT or ACT scores. A high school GPA of 2.0 or above.
  • Students must also pass the North Carolina Competency Examination or its equivalent in their state or country of origin.

*UNC Policy Manual 700.1

Minimum High School GPA and SAT/ACT Scores

Applicants for first-time admission as freshmen must meet minimum high school GPA and SAT scores as indicated in the chart below.

Students Entering in the Fall Minimum GPA Minimum SAT Minimum ACT
2.5 OR 1010 OR 19

*University of North Carolina Policy Manual 700.1


The “Rising Viking Scholars” Program allows for ECSU to admit students who have high grade point averages and meet RVS Program specified SAT/ACT university requirement thresholds. The RVS Program aims to provide an opportunity to prospective in-state degree seeking applicants.

Graduate of Cooperative Innovative High Schools - Early College

Beginning with the 2016-2017 admissions application cycle for enrollment in the 2017-2018 academic year, each UNC constituent institution must offer to any student who graduated from a cooperative innovative high school program with an associate degree and who applies for admission to a constituent institution the option of being considered for admission as a freshman or as a transfer student.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is the GPA score based on the weighted or un-weighted GPA?
A. The weighted GPA will be used to determine if the student satisfies the minimum GPA requirement.

Q. Is the GPA calculated based on all my courses or just the courses for the college preparatory curriculum?
A. The GPA is the cumulative GPA based on all courses taken during high school.

Q. If I take the SAT or ACT more than once, will my highest combined score be used even if it is derived from two different test dates?
A. Yes. The highest score received on any administration of the SAT for evidence based reading and writing will be combined with the highest score received on mathematics. The highest score on each ACT subscore will be used for computation of the composite.

Q. What if my GPA is under 2.50, but my SAT is more than 880? Do I meet the requirements?
A. No, you must meet both the minimum GPA and the minimum SAT score to be eligible for admission. Exceptions to the minimum requirements are handled on a case-by-case basis and in rare instances.

Q. What if I graduate in 2010, but do not apply to Elizabeth City State University until 2017? What requirements must I fulfill?
A. The minimum scores that were in effect the year you graduated from high school will be applied to determine eligibility.

Q. What if I decide to go to the community college first and transfer later? Does my high school GPA and SAT/ACT scores count toward admissions?
A. If you complete the A.A. or A.S. degree or a minimum of twenty-four (24) transferable semester hours with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 from the community college, then the minimum GPA and test scores do not apply, but you will be evaluated on your performance at the community college. If you do not complete the A.A. or the A.S. degree or twenty-four (24) transferable hours with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 from the community college, then your high school GPA and SAT scores will be used to determine eligibility.

Admission: Transfer Students or Advanced Standing

  1. The Admissions Office will consider applications from students seeking to transfer from junior and/or community colleges or four-year colleges and universities accredited by their respective regional associations if the applicants have an overall cumulative GPA of 2.0 (C) or above in the institution from which they are transferring and if they are eligible to return to that institution.
  2. Each transfer applicant must provide official transcripts covering all college work attempted. College courses that have not been completed within the last seven years may need to be reviewed by your academic program of study to determine transferability for transfer credit.
  3. Transcripts will be evaluated in relation to the requirements of the specific academic program for which the student is accepted.
  4. Grades less than “C” will not be accepted for transfer credit.
  5. Students who have been placed on academic probation at their institutions but who are eligible to return to that institution will be considered for admission with the same status at Elizabeth City State University. Students who have been dismissed or suspended for disciplinary reasons from their institutions will not be permitted to enroll at ECSU.
  6. Prospective students who have attended an accredited college but who have earned less than 24 semester hours of transferable credit must meet the freshman admission requirements. Also, the students must be eligible to return to the previous institution. Therefore, a transfer clearance form must be submitted by all applicants.

Special, Transient, and Military Students

(Not Applicable to Freshmen or Transfer Students)

  1. Applicants who are regularly enrolled students at another institution may be admitted as a transient student provided the appropriate official at their institution: (a) authorizes their attendance at Elizabeth City State University, (b) approves in advance the course work, (c) indicates the individual is in good standing at that institution, and (d) approves the transfer credits taken at ECSU.
  2. Special students are admitted for one term only (space permitting) and must be readmitted at the beginning of each subsequent term. Such applicants may be required to present evidence of having earned a college degree or evidence of the need for a specific course.
  3. All special students who desire to become candidates for a degree at Elizabeth City State University must meet appropriate admission requirements.
  4. Special students are designated as those who are: (a) seeking certifications, (b) seeking licensure, (c) members of a college/university consortium, (d) auditing courses, or non-degree seeking.
  5. A maximum of 24 semester hours may be completed as a special student. Also, special students are not eligible for financial aid. For specific questions on any of these categories, please contact the Office of Admissions and Recruitment at (252) 335-3305.
  6. The University of North Carolina and its constituent institutions are committed to equality of opportunity. The University administers nondiscriminatory admissions policies by fairly evaluating the records of applicants. For purposes of undergraduate admission to any constituent institution of The University of North Carolina, any individual having completed a minimum of two years of cumulative active duty service in the United States Armed Forces who otherwise meets the criteria for a transfer student will be considered a transfer student in the admissions process pursuant to 700.1.1.1[R], Special Consideration 3, with the branch of service functioning as the institution of transfer. If discharged from active duty, the veteran must have received an Administrative Discharge. This policy shall not apply to veterans receiving a “Bad Conduct or Dishonorable Discharge.” Under conditions set forth by the President in regulations associated with this policy, applicants in this profile may be offered special consideration with regard to the minimum admissions and minimum course requirements for transfer students. Nothing in this policy guarantees admission for students who do not meet institutional academic standards for admission. Constituent institutions retain sole authority for admissions determinations.

NC Residency Determination

NC Residency Determination Service (RDS)

Effective February 20, 2017, UNC General Administration will manage and process all residency determinations, reclassification requests, and appeals for new and continuing undergraduate and non-degree seeking students. After this date, any new or readmitting undergraduate or NDS student who would like to apply for in-state residency consideration for tuition purposes, will need to apply for reclassification through the North Carolina Residency Determination Service questions and concerns can be directed to: rdsinfo@ncresidency.org, 919-835-2290, or 844-319-3640.

Please read below for more details about the new NC RDS process.

Purpose and Background of North Carolina Residency

The state of North Carolina substantially subsidizes the cost of tuition for all students whose domicile, or permanent legal residence, is in North Carolina. Since it first became a state, North Carolina has abided by the philosophy that an educated public is necessary to a democratic government and that the State, therefore, has an obligation to provide for the education of its people. Article IX, Section 9, of the State Constitution states “The General Assembly shall provide that the benefits of the University of North Carolina and other public institutions of higher education, as far as practicable, be extended to the people of the State free of expense”. Therefore, while North Carolina welcomes out-of-state students it considers the privilege of providing a reduced in-state tuition rate to be a taxpayer benefit. Among other benefits provided only to students who meet the domiciliary requirements is eligibility for consideration for State-sponsored programs of student financial aid to help pay for college expenses. The same rules that govern residency determination for in-state tuition are also applicable to the residency status for State aid programs at both public institutions and independent colleges and universities. For decades the determination of residency has resided on the campus where the tuition benefit and/or the State aid were administered.

In 2013, the NC General Assembly became concerned about inconsistency in residency determinations across institutions of higher education in North Carolina. The General Assembly legislatively directed UNC General Administration (GA), the NC Community College System (NCCCS), the NC State Education Assistance Authority (SEAA) and the NC Independent Colleges and Universities (NCICU) to create a centralized, uniform process for determining residency for tuition purposes and for administration of state financial aid. This centralized process is known as the Residency Determination Service (RDS). In order for a student to receive the benefits of in-state tuition and/or State student aid a residency determination from RDS is required. A student generally only has to complete the RDS one time instead of seeking separate residency determinations at multiple colleges and universities. To learn more about residency and complete a determination go to www.NCresidency.org.

Residency Determination Service (RDS)

The purpose and mission of RDS is to provide leadership and administration of residency determinations in accordance with North Carolina residency laws and applicable federal statutes. The RDS goal is to provide students access to transparent information and the opportunity to claim NC residency in a simple, accurate and straight forward manner. For more information on residency for tuition purposes contact RDS at: www.NCresidency.org, 844-319-3640 (phone), 919-835-2427 (fax)

Determining Residency Status

The specific requirements for establishing residency for tuition classification and State financial aid purposes are prescribed by state law. A North Carolina resident for tuition purposes (and for State financial aid consideration) is a person, or a dependent person (dependent according to IRS tax code - not the FAFSA definition of dependency), whose parent or legal guardian has established and maintained legal residence in North Carolina for at least 12 months. Residence in North Carolina must be legitimate and be a permanent situation rather than just for the purpose of maintaining a residence prior to enrollment at an institution of higher education.

Under North Carolina law, to qualify for in-state residency, you must show that:

  • You have established your legal residence (domicile) in North Carolina
  • You have maintained that domicile for at least twelve (12) consecutive months before the beginning of the term
  • You have a residentiary presence in the state
  • You intend to make North Carolina your permanent home indefinitely (rather than being in North Carolina solely to attend college)

Persons not meeting the 12-month legal residence requirement may be classified as North Carolina residents for tuition purposes only if they fall within one of the limited categories authorized by the North Carolina Legislature. All other persons are ineligible for classification as a North Carolina “resident for tuition purposes” and will be charged out-of-state tuition and not given consideration for State financial aid. To learn more about residency and complete a determination go to www.NCresidency.org.

Determination of Intent

Because it is difficult to determine a person’s intent to make North Carolina his or her home, RDS must evaluate actions taken by the person that may indicate a “domiciliary intent.” RDS considers the following factors, which may be significant, in determining this intent:

  • Do you live in your parent’s home?
  • Where were, or are, you permanently employed?
  • Where are you registered to vote?
  • What are your sources of financial support?
  • Where have you registered your vehicle?
  • Which state issued your current driver’s license or state I.D. card?
  • Where do you own a home or other real estate that serves as your primary residence?
  • Where did you file state income tax returns?
  • Where did you last attend high school?

No single factor or combination of these factors may be considered conclusive evidence of domicile. Moreover, because domicile is defined as a true, fixed and permanent home, individuals who are present in North Carolina on a temporary basis, e.g., for the purpose of completing a degree, cannot establish domicile merely by taking these actions. To learn more about residency and complete a determination go to www.NCresidency.org.

Requests for Resident Status

For many students, the residency classification process is simple and occurs around the time of your application for admission to college. If you were born in North Carolina and have lived in the State all your life, you will probably be one of many students who are classified as North Carolina residents. If you lived in another state at the time of application, still have strong ties to another state, or have lived in North Carolina for only a short period of time, the process may be more complicated. RDS may require more in-depth information or documentation to determine whether you are a legal resident of North Carolina. The information that you submit will be validated against federal and North Carolina state agency databases. Please keep a copy of all application materials for your records. Additional information about the RDS process is available at www.NCresidency.org.

What to expect when using RDS

Applicants can complete the RDS process before, during, or after completing the admissions application. You will only have to complete the process once, no matter how many NC college or university admissions applications you complete. You will complete an online interview and may be asked to provide documentation afterward. Required information will include identification numbers for you and/or your parents, such as you might provide for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). It is a good idea to have this kind of information easily available at the time you complete the RDS interview. If you do not, RDS will save any confirmed information and allow you to re-enter the interview process where you left off.

Transfer Students

Should you transfer between institutions at any level (community college to community college, community college to university, or vice versa), or if you apply to a different academic level (i.e., undergraduate to graduate) within the same institution, you must reapply via RDS to receive in-state tuition or to be considered for State student aid. For students who are continuously enrolled no reconsideration is necessary when applying to or changing programs at the same academic level, unless the classification is rebutted by new information.

Currently Enrolled Students Claiming Resident Status

Students who have been determined as nonresidents, or who have experienced a change in facts or circumstances that may your current determination, may request a reconsideration of their determination for tuition purposes through RDS. Your presence in NC as an enrolled student does not guarantee that you will be able to gain residency for tuition purposes. To request reconsideration go to www.NCresidency.org and login to your account.

Reconsideration and Appeals

Students who have been determined as nonresidents by RDS may request a reconsideration and appeal of their determination for tuition purposes through RDS. To request a reconsideration or appeal, go to www.NCresidency.org and login to your account.

Military Personnel

“Choice Act”

Section 702 of the Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014, 38 USC 3679 (c) (the Choice Act), requires that the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) disapprove and withhold funding under programs of education under the Post-9/11 GI Bill® (Chapter 33) and Montgomery GI Bill® (Chapter 30) at a public institution of higher learning (IHL) if the institution charges qualifying Veterans and other eligible individuals (“covered individuals”) tuition and fees in excess of the rate charged to resident students. On June 23, 2015, Senate Bill 478 was enacted to conform North Carolina law with the Choice Act, thereby creating North Carolina General Statute § 116-143.3A, which, on July 9, 2015, the VA certified as being compliant with the Choice Act.

N.C.G.S. § 116-143.3A(a)(3) defines “veteran” as a person “who has served active duty for not less than 90 days in the Armed Forces, the Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service, or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and who was discharged or released from such service under conditions other than dishonorable.” This definition covers the groups defined in Section 702.

Please contact the Veteran Resource and Information Center at veteran@ecsu.edu or call 252.335.3774 for more information.

Advanced Placement Program/College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Elizabeth City State University participates in the Advanced Placement Program and the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) of the College Entrance Examination Board. Students who have demonstrated their achievement of specific Advanced Placement Tests or College Level Examination Program - subject exams only - may have the results submitted to the University for consideration for placement in advanced courses and for college credit.

All students are encouraged to take these tests, and they may qualify for advanced placement and credit by taking departmental tests in their area of specialization. Based upon these test results, the amount and nature of the credit granted is determined by the pertinent department of instruction.

Course Audits

  1. Students enrolled at the University or students admitted with satisfactory records of experience and education may enroll for specific courses as auditors.
  2. Students who audit courses must register in the University Registrar’s Office, pay regular fees, and be regular in attendance, but they will not receive grades or credit.

Financial Aid Programs

The Financial Aid Programs at Elizabeth City State University are designed to assist students and their parents in financing the cost of the student’s education. Students who are enrolled or accepted for enrollment and are citizens or permanent residents of the United States are eligible to apply for financial aid. Assistance available to eligible students consists of grants, loans, scholarships, and part-time employment. Limited assistance is available for international students. Students can locate information regarding financial aid missing information, awards, etc. via Self-Service Banner (SSB). New students obtain their SSB login credentials (refered to as VikingOne credential and student ID) at the time of acceptance to the University.

How To Apply for Financial Aid

All students must complete and have processed a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form every year before financial aid can be offered. Students must also list the school code 002926, on the FAFSA application (www.FAFSA.gov) in order for the University to obtain their financial aid data. The FAFSA opens on October 1st each year and students are encouraged to complete this as early as possible. Students who complete the application process by March 1 will be considered first for priority funding. Certain grants and scholarships may not be available to students who apply after that date, as funds in these programs are limited. All interested students who wish to receive any kind of financial aid at ECSU must complete the above described application process. Deadline dates for having a complete application on file are July 1 for the Fall Semester, December 1 for the Spring Semester, and May 1 for Summer semester. Should you have Financial Aid questions, please call: (252) 335-3283.



Federal Pell Grant eligibility is based on the Expected Family Contribution (EFC), which is calculated by the Department of Education based on the information submitted on the FAFSA, the number of credit hours per semester, and the cost of attendance. Students who have already earned a bachelor, master, or professional degree are not eligible for the Federal Pell Grant.


FSEOG is awarded based on your Expected Family Contribution (EFC). Students with the lowest EFC receive priority.

North Carolina Education Lottery Scholarship (ELS)

The North Carolina Education Lottery Scholarship (ELS) was created by the 2005 General Assembly to provide financial assistance to needy North Carolina resident students attending eligible colleges and universities located within the state of North Carolina. Eligibility is determined based on need. This award is determined by the state of North Carolina.

University of North Carolina Need-Based Grant (UNCIG)

UNC Need Based Grants are available for eligible students attending one of the 16 campuses of the University of North Carolina. Eligibility is determined based on need. This award is determined by the state of North Carolina.


Scholarship awards are based upon various criteria and do not require repayment. Academic excellence, financial need, and major of study are just a few of the criteria used for selecting recipients. Each scholarship has different academic performance criteria. The University offers various scholarships either through the Office of Student Financial Aid & Scholarships or through various academic departments on campus. For a listing of additional scholarships, please visit the following websites: www.cfnc.org, https://www.tmcf.org/our-scholarships, and www.studentaid.ed.gov/scholarship.


UNC Campus Scholarships are awarded to entering North Carolina Residents as Freshmen that graduate from a North Carolina high school or New Transfer students who meet the admissibility criteria and apply for federal aid by completing and submitting the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

This award has a maximum value equal to the cost of tuition, fees, room, board, and books up to $2,500 per academic year. Freshman students can receive this scholarship for up to 8 semesters; new transfers for up to 4 semesters.

Continuing eligibility is based on the student completing the FAFSA each year and maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) as identified by the institution and be enrolled full-time.


Loans are money borrowed that must be repaid, with interest. Eligible students must be enrolled at least six credit hours to receive a federal loan. A promissory note must be signed and completed along with entrance counseling before loans funds can be disbursed.

William D Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) Programs

Direct loans are backed by the federal government. The U.S. Department of Education is the lender. Credit checks are not required for Federal Direct loans. There are two types of Direct Student Loans: subsidized and unsubsidized. Students must demonstrate financial need as determined by the FAFSA to receive a subsidized Direct Loan. The U.S. Department of Education will pay the interest on a subsidized Direct Loan during certain periods of enrollment. A promissory note and entrance counseling must be completed at www.studentloans.gov. Additional information regarding interest rates and repayment options can be found online at https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/.

Direct PLUS Loans: These are loans made to eligible parents of dependents, graduate or professional students to help cover the cost of education. PLUS loans do require a credit check. Additional information can be found online at Parent PLUS Loans | Federal Student Aid. Parents can apply online at www.studentloans.gov.


Dependent Students:

  • Freshmen: $5,500 - Maximum $3,500 subsidized
  • Sophomores: $6,500 - Maximum $4,500 subsidized
  • Juniors/Seniors: $7,500 - Maximum $5,500 subsidized

Independent students (and dependent students whose parents are unable to obtain PLUS Loans):

  • Freshmen: $9,500 - Maximum $3,500 subsidized
  • Sophomores: $10,500 - Maximum $4,500 subsidized
  • Juniors/Seniors: $12,500 - Maximum $5,500 subsidized

Maximum Total Debt Upon Completion of Undergraduate Studies:

  • Dependent Students: $31,000 - Maximum $23,000 subsidized
  • Independent Students: $57,500 - Maximum $23,000 subsidized

Financial Aid Policies and Conditions of Awards

The following financial aid policies and conditions of award apply to students who are recipients of federal or state financial assistance while attending Elizabeth City State University:

  • Students must apply annually for federal aid by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at www.studentaid.gov
  • Students are encouraged to apply by March 1 of each year for priority funding opportunities
  • Students must be regularly admitted to ECSU in a degree-seeking status and must be enrolled in an eligible degree-seeking program prior to the first day of the term to participate in federal and state aid programs.
  • Provisionally admitted and special-admitted students are not eligible for financial assistance. Transient students should contact their home institution for financial aid.
  • Students must (1) meet the school’s Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards, (2) not owe a refund on any grant or be in default on any educational loan and (3) not have borrowed in excess of the loan limits under the Title IV programs at any institution.
  • Financial aid is limited to coursework required for the declared major as stated in this catalog. Financial aid is not available for audit courses. Students are allowed to receive financial aid while repeating a previously-passed class once.
  • Students must be engaged in classes in which they have enrolled to be eligible for aid payment.
  • Students must submit all required documents. Failure to submit the requested documents may result in a delay or loss of financial aid funds.
  • The Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships cannot award federal, state, and institutional funds over the student’s published Cost of Attendance budget.
  • Any outside scholarships or alternative loans must be reported to the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships - these funds may require the reduction of other financial aid the student receives.
  • Financial aid awards are based on full-time enrollment for each term awarded. Less than full-time enrollment may require an adjustment to the aid award. Undergraduate enrollment consists of a minimum of 12 hours to be full-time. Graduate students enrolled in 9 semester hours are classified as full-time and 4.5 semester hours as half time.
  • Students awarded a federal student loan must complete loan counseling prior to their first loan disbursement. Federal regulations require that first-year, first-time borrowers will have their first loan disbursement delayed 30 days after enrollment. Counseling is available online at www.studentloans.gov.
  • Financial Aid is awarded on an annual basis (Fall and Spring). Institutional charges (tuition, fees, room and board) will be deducted from the financial aid award each term. Students should be prepared to pay any difference owed by the fee payment deadline. For students with aid greater than the institutional charges, any remaining funds are released no later than 14 calendar days after their first day of class or the balance occurs, whichever is later.
  • Employment in the Federal Work-Study program is not guaranteed. Awards are based on funding and position availability. Students cannot earn more than their annual award. Students who receive an “unsatisfactory” job performance evaluation will be terminated from the program.
  • Students receiving financial aid who withdraw or who stop engaging all classes are subject to regulations regarding the return of funds to the aid programs. Federal aid recipients withdrawing before the 60 percent point of the term may owe a repayment of federal funds received. Refer to the Withdrawal Policy of this catalog.

Satisfactory Academic Progress - Financial Aid

To be eligible to receive Financial Aid, which includes funds from federal, state, and institutional programs, students must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). Elizabeth City State University (ECSU) is required by the U.S. Department of Education to establish minimum standards of SAP, which means the student is progressing in a positive manner toward graduation. SAP is calculated each semester and includes all periods of the student’s enrollment, including periods in which the student does not receive financial aid funds.


Students attending ECSU must be in good academic standing and making satisfactory progress with a minimum grade point average (GPA) and completion rate in accordance with the maximum time frame, as stated below.

All students who wish to qualify for financial aid must meet three standards known as SAP. These standards include:

Grade Point Average (Qualitative)

If a student’s GPA falls below the required minimum cumulative GPA (2.0 for Undergraduate students, 3.0 for Graduate students), his or her eligibility to receive financial aid will be in jeopardy.

A student will be placed on financial aid warning for the semester following the semester the student fails to earn the required minimum cumulative GPA. The student has the next semester of attendance to earn the required minimum cumulative GPA. The student may receive financial aid while on financial aid warning.

At the end of the warning semester, if the required minimum cumulative GPA is met, the student is taken off financial aid warning. If the required minimum cumulative GPA is not achieved, then the student will be put on financial aid suspension during the next semester of attendance. The student will not receive financial aid assistance while on financial aid suspension.

Transfer credits are not included in the computation of the cumulative GPA for financial aid unless the credit was earned while attending other schools as a Transient Student, a student taking classes at another institution as an ECSU student.

Completion Rate (Quantitative)

Students must complete a minimum of 67 percent of coursework attempted each semester. The total cumulative earned hours consist of hours earned at ECSU and accepted transfer credits.

Earned Hours are comprised of the following grades: A, B, C, D, P

Unearned Hours are comprised of the following grades: F, I, IF, IP, W, WA, WD

Maximum Time Frame

All students must complete their program of study within a maximum time frame of one and-one-half (150 percent) times the length of the program in which they are enrolled. This means that once a student has attempted one-and-one-half times the minimum number of credit hours necessary for completing program requirements, the student becomes ineligible to receive financial aid.

Attempted hours include all attempted hours at ECSU and all accepted transfer credit. Double majors are expected to complete their program of study within 180 credit hours. If the student qualifies for graduation in a particular major but makes a personal decision to double major, the student is no longer entitled to receive Federal Title IV Aid.

Second degree students are required to complete their second degree within the maximum 150% of the hours required for the second degree (maximum of 270 including hours for the first degree). For graduate students, the maximum time frame is 54 attempted hours. If the time limit has been exceeded, aid eligibility ends. The student will be placed on financial aid suspension status.


Grades of IP (in-progress), W (withdrew), WA (withdrew administratively), WP (withdrew passing), WF (withdrew failing), and WD (withdrew from the university) are not included in calculating a student’s GPA, but are counted as course work attempted. I (incomplete) and FA (failure due to absenteeism) are counted as an F. All grade changes must be submitted and processed during the first 10 days of classes of the following semester.

Financial Aid Warning

A student will be placed on financial aid warning for one semester when the student does not meet all three SAP standards at the end of a semester, including summer sessions. Students with a status of financial aid warning may receive financial aid and enroll in courses. A student on financial aid warning must meet all three SAP standards at the end of the next semester of attendance to be in good financial aid standing. Failure to do so will result in financial aid suspension.

Financial Aid Suspension

A student is placed on financial aid suspension when the student does not meet all three SAP standards for two consecutive semesters of attendance, including summer sessions. The first semester not meeting SAP is the Financial Aid Warning period. A student on financial aid suspension may NOT receive financial aid.

A student on financial aid suspension must meet all three SAP standards at the end of the suspension period (one term) to return to good financial aid standing.

Once a student is on financial aid suspension, the student must pay for the next attending semester at his or her own expense (alternative loans may be used). All federal, state, and institutional funds are removed for the semester(s) the student has to pay.

Appeal of Financial Aid Suspension

If a student has experienced special circumstances (limited to personal illness or injury, family member illness, injury, or death, job related issues, victim of a crime, and other) during the most recent evaluation period that s/he did not meet standards of academic progress, an appeal to request reinstatement of financial aid eligibility can be submitted. A completed appeal form and supporting documentation is required before the appeal will be reviewed. Acceptable supporting documentation is outlined on the Financial Aid Appeal Form. In some situations, an academic plan may be required. If the appeal request is granted, the student will be placed on financial aid probation for a minimum of one semester.

  • One Semester Probation - The student is eligible for financial aid, and is expected to improve and meet minimum standards by the next evaluation period to maintain eligibility.
  • Multiple Semester Probation (Max 3 semesters) - A student who cannot meet the minimum standards by the next evaluation period is placed on probation for up to 3 semesters with an assigned SAP academic plan. The academic plan is designed to allow the student to meet minimum standards within a fixed number of evaluation periods. Progress is checked each semester and evaluated based on minimum SAP requirements and the prescribed academic plan. If a student meets the minimum SAP standards after a probation semester, their financial aid status is updated to eligible for their next semester of enrollment.

If the appeal request is not granted, the student will remain ineligible for financial aid until they meet all minimum standards. The appeal decision is final.

Undergraduate students in a four-year program are allotted a maximum of two approved appeals for the duration of their program; graduate students are allotted a maximum of one approved appeal.

Withdrawal Policy (Treatment of Title IV funds when a student withdraws)

Financial aid is awarded to a student under the assumption the student will complete the entire period for which the aid was awarded. If a student withdraws on or before the 60% (as measured in calendar days) of the semester, the student may no longer be eligible for the full disbursement of Title IV aid and other financial aid awarded.

The University has a federally mandated return of funds policy that governs the return of funds when a student withdraws from the University either officially or unofficially. Title IV aid includes the following aid programs: Federal Student Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans, Federal PLUS Loans, Federal Perkins Loans, Federal Pell Grants, and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOG).

The Return Calculation will be completed within the appropriate guidelines and timeframes provide by the U.S. Department of Education. Once the calculation is complete, the University will notify the student in writing of any adjustments to their aid for the semester. The University will follow all applicable federally mandated deadlines for determining withdrawal dates, returning fund(s), and post-withdrawal disbursement(s). All funds will be returned within 45-days after the school has determined that the student withdrew.

Students who are seeking to withdraw and who have borrowed loans at the University are required to complete a Direct Student Loan Exit interview at Exit Counseling | Federal Student Aid.

Degrees Offered

The successful completion of academic units and general institutional requirements qualifies a student to receive one of the baccalaureate degrees offered by Elizabeth City State University. All baccalaureate degree and discipline area programs are defined in terms of major, related area courses, concentrations/specializations, academic concentration, and/or minors. Listed below are the operational definitions for these:

MAJOR - A major consists of a group of prescribed and elective courses providing breadth and depth in an academic discipline, in two or more closely-related disciplines, or in an interdisciplinary field of study. All majors at ECSU are defined in terms of a specific number of semester hours which may range from 30 to 60 semester hours.

RELATED AREAS - The requirement of a major in one discipline may include supporting courses selected from other disciplines (related areas).

CONCENTRATION/SPECIALIZATION - A concentration is a student’s option within a major that consists of a group of prescribed courses designed to provide preparation in a specialty within the major discipline or tangential to it. Concentrations are required in some majors. Each concentration must be defined in terms of a specific number of semester hours, and this number is a part of the total number of hours required for the major. Concentrations must have a minimum of 12 semester hours. The number of credits in a concentration may not exceed the number of credits in the major.

MINOR - A minor consists of a group of prescribed and elective courses in an academic discipline, two or more related disciplines, and interdisciplinary fields of study, or a specially designed individual program. It differs from a major principally in requiring fewer courses and providing less depth. A student may not major and minor in the same field. All minors at ECSU are defined in terms of a specific number of semester hours which may range from 18 to 24 semester hours. The exception is Secondary Education, ranging from 24 to 31 semester hours.

FREE ELECTIVE - A free elective is a noncompulsory course that is not part of a student’s major, related area, or concentration requirements. All academic programs must have a minimum of 9 semester hours of free electives.

Bachelor of Science Degree

  • Accounting
  • Graphic Design
  • Aviation Science
  • Homeland Security
  • Biology
  • Kinesiology
  • Business Administration
  • Mathematics
  • Pharmaceutical Science
  • Computer Science
  • Psychology
  • Criminal Justice
  • Sports Management
  • Emergency Management
  • Sustainability Studies
  • Engineering Technology
  • Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Bachelor of Arts Degree

  • English
  • Music
  • Digital Media Art
  • Interdisciplinary Studies
  • History

Bachelor of Social Work

  • Social Work

Bachelor of Science in Education Degree

  • Birth-Kindergarten (BK)
  • Elementary Education (Grades K-6)
  • Special Education

Bachelor of Science Degree with Teacher Licensure

  • Biology
  • Mathematics
  • Physical Education

Bachelor of Arts Degree with Teacher Licensure

(Minor in Education K-12)

  • English
  • History
  • Music



  • Behavioral Health
  • Child, Family, Community
  • Composition
  • Comprehensive Science
  • Computer Networking Engineering Technology
  • Data Science
  • Digital and Public History
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology
  • Environmental Technology
  • Exercise Science
  • Fitness and Wellness
  • Flight Education
  • General Biology
  • General Science
  • Global Studies
  • Information Systems
  • Management and Administration
  • Marketing and Promotion
  • Math
  • Mechanical Engineering Technology
  • Molecular Biology / Biotechnology
  • Music Business
  • Music Licensure
  • Performance
  • Physical Education and Health
  • Politics and Government
  • Pre-Medicine/Pre-Dentistry
  • Psychology
  • Race, Gender, and Ethnicity Studies
  • Security Studies
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Social Science
  • Sound Recording
  • Sport Communication
  • Teacher Education


  • Accounting
  • Aviation Science
  • Biology
  • Black/Africana Studies
  • Business Administration
  • Chemistry
  • Cinematic Arts
  • Computer Networking Engineering Technology
  • Computer Science
  • Creative Writing
  • Criminal Justice
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology
  • Emergency Management
  • English
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Film and Animation
  • Gerontology
  • GIS/Remote Sensing
  • Health and Wellness Promotion
  • History
  • Homeland Security
  • Juvenile Justice
  • Mathematics
  • Mechanical Engineering Technology
  • Military Science
  • Music
  • Pre-Law
  • Psychology
  • Public Health
  • Science of Coaching
  • Secondary Education
  • Spanish
  • Sustainability Studies
  • Unmanned Aircraft Systems
  • Visual Art