Jul 06, 2024  
2021-2023 Graduate Catalog 
2021-2023 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Graduate Education


Graduate Education is committed to the mission of Elizabeth City State University. Quality graduate degree programs are designed to meet the needs of the citizens of northeastern North Carolina, the State, the Nation, and the Global Community. Dedicated faculty and staff prepare students in a challenging, supportive, and highly technical environment to compete and excel in a technologically advanced society for the 21st century global economy.

The graduate degree program offerings include: The Master of Education in Elementary Education, The Master of School Administration, The Master of Science in Biology, which includes two (2) concentrations: Biology Education and Applied Biology, and The Master of Science in Mathematics, which includes four (4) concentrations: Mathematics Education, Applied Mathematics, Community College Teaching and Remote Sensing. For your convenience, you may access our graduate catalog, applications and enrollment forms for all graduate programs online. For more information go to our website at http://www.ecsu.edu/academics/graduate/index.html or visit our Graduate Education Office located in the Willie J. and Jacqueline Gilchrist Education and Psychology Complex, Room 354.


The vision of Graduate Education at Elizabeth City State University is to provide students with advanced knowledge and skills, utilizing innovative technologies that will secure future intellectual leadership in a knowledge based economy. Our students will serve as leaders in northeastern North Carolina, the State, the Nation and the Global Community.

Program Outcomes

The goals of the Graduate Education Program at Elizabeth City State University are:

  1. To recruit, retain, and graduate students who are globally competitive leaders in the 21st Century.
  2. To strengthen academic quality with intellectual excellence through high quality graduate educational programs.
  3. To serve the people of Northeastern North Carolina in the 21-County service area through promoting a culture of community service, engagement, outreach, and support.
  4. To expand educational opportunities through commitment to a student-centered campus culture and co-curricular activities.

Graduate Program Guidelines

Academic Structure

Elizabeth City State University operates on the semester system. The fall and spring semesters are approximately 15 weeks each. The summer program consists of (2) sessions of five weeks. Graduate classes usually meet for three hours in one evening, or on Saturdays, or online.

Residence Status for Tuition Purposes




844-319-3640 (TOLL FREE PHONE)
919-835-2290 (LOCAL PHONE)
919-835-2427 (FAX)

Residence Requirements

Based on individual departmental requirements, you must complete between 24 to 30 semester hours required for the master’s degree must be earned in residence study at the university. No more than six (6) credit hours may be transferred from other institutions provided that these credits were completed within 6 years at the time of the transfer request. Courses numbered 500 or higher can be counted toward completion of the graduate degree. Graduate students who seek and obtain permission to take courses at other institutions for subsequent transfer to the degree program at Elizabeth City State University may obtain credit only with permission from the student’s advisor, Graduate Program Coordinator of the major school/department.

Admission Procedures

Qualified graduates of accredited colleges and universities are eligible to seek admission to Graduate Education programs at Elizabeth City State University. Applications are evaluated on the basis of qualifications, without regard to, race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age or disability. Transcripts and other credentials become the property of the University and must remain on file in the appropriate offices.

Admission to pursue graduate study at Elizabeth City State University is accomplished in two steps: one, by admission to the University and two, by admission to a particular program.

Step One: In order to be admitted to ECSU, application forms, transcripts, and other credentials must be forwarded to the Office of Graduate Education, online at https://gradapply.ecsu.edu/ or to Campus Box 943, Elizabeth City State University, Elizabeth City, NC 27909, where they will be reviewed and acted upon. The Office of Graduate Education builds a file for the student and forwards a copy of all materials received to the designated Graduate Program Coordinator.

Admission to ECSU means only that the student will be permitted to enroll in courses at the graduate level. It does not necessarily imply that he or she will be admitted to a program leading to an advanced degree. Admission to courses must be approved by the Graduate Program Coordinator. The non-degree graduate student is further urged to seek advisement regarding any course enrollment in light of its relevance to intended degree matriculation, and also from the standpoint of the advisability of enrollment in prerequisite courses.

Step Two: Admission to a selected graduate degree program will proceed in the following manner. When the student’s file is complete, it will be reviewed by the Departmental Committee, initiated by the Graduate Program Coordinator, and a decision will be made relative to the admission/non-admission of the student to the program. The Graduate Program Coordinator will inform the Director of Graduate Education, in writing, about the admissions decision. The Director of Graduate Education will inform the applicant, in writing, about the admissions decision.

An application fee may be required for the application for admission and is not refundable.

Admission Requirements

Requirements for Admission:

  • Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university;
  • A minimum overall undergraduate GPA of 2.5 (on a 4.0 scale) or a 3.0 average for the last four semesters (60 credit hours) of study for the bachelor’s degree. Applicants may be admitted without reference to their baccalaureate record if they earned at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA in a master’s degree program completed at an accredited college or university or if they earned at least a 3.3 cumulative GPA for at least 12 credit hours of a master’s or doctoral degree program.
  • Graduate Programs in Education: (MSA & MEd) have accreditation cohort GPA requirements of 3.0. If the GPA from your most recent degree is under a 3.0 student may be admitted under provisional status or as a special student until the 3.0 GPA requirement is met.”
  • Interview Requirements: As part of the application process, MSA applicants are required to participate in a virtual interview with program coordinator. MEd applicants may be asked to interview if GPA is below 3.0 or candidate is new to the field of educator preparation.
  • Completed application;
  • non-refundable application fee if applicable;
  • Two sets of official transcripts in sealed envelopes or submitted digitally to graduateeducation@ecsu.edu from each college and university previously attended;
  • Three completed Graduate Recommendation Forms submitted online or in sealed envelopes;
  • Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or Miller Analogies Test (MAT) recommended, but not required.
  • A student must satisfy the following additional criteria if applicable:
    • Provide Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).
    • International English Language Testing System (IELTS).
    • Completed Financial Guarantee Form, if applicable.
    • Completed NC Residency Form.

Exit Requirements

In order to be awarded a master’s degree, each student must:

  • Complete the minimum semester hours of graduate credit applicable to the program;
  • Maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0;
  • Successfully complete 24 to 30 semester hours of credit in residence and/or via distance learning on the campus of Elizabeth City State University;
  • Submit an Application for Candidacy;
  • Complete an Application for Graduation and obtain the advisor’s recommendation;
  • Meet all other requirements for a master’s degree in the major department and the Office of Graduate Education;
  • Complete an exit interview with the graduate coordinator to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the master’s program; and
  • Submit the required number of copies of the Thesis/Product of Learning the to major department and Office of Graduate Education.

Admission Regulations

Regulations governing graduate work at Elizabeth City State University are classified as General and Special. General regulations apply to all students in a degree program; special regulations apply to specific programs. The student assumes full responsibility for knowing about regulations governing graduate work.

Types of Admission

There are three types of admission:

  1. Unconditional Admission
    A student must satisfy the following criteria for unconditional admission:
  • Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university;
  • A minimum overall undergraduate GPA of 2.5 (on a 4.0 scale) or a 3.0 average for the last four semesters (60 credit hours) of study for the bachelor’s degree. Applicants may be admitted without reference to their baccalaureate record if they earned at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA in a master’s degree program completed at an accredited college or university or if they earned at least a 3.3 cumulative GPA for at least 12 credit hours of a master’s or doctoral degree program.
  • Graduate Programs in Education: (MSA & MEd) have accreditation cohort GPA requirements of 3.0. If the GPA from your most recent degree is under a 3.0 student may be admitted under provisional status or as a special student until the 3.0 GPA requirement is met.”
  • Interview Requirements: As part of the application process, MSA applicants are required to participate in a virtual interview with program coordinator. MEd applicants may be asked to interview if GPA is below 3.0 or candidate is new to the field of educator preparation.
  • Completed application;
  • non-refundable application fee if applicable;
  • Two sets of official transcripts in sealed envelopes or submitted online to graduateeducation@ecsu.edu from each college and university previously attended;
  • Three completed Graduate Recommendation Forms in sealed envelopes or submitted electronically;
  • Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or Miller Analogies Test (MAT) recommended, but not required.
  • Completed ECSU Health Form (For all students taking more than four credit hours on the university campus); and
  • A student must satisfy the following additional criteria if applicable:• Provide Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).
  • International English Language Testing System (IELTS).
  • Completed Financial Guarantee Form, if applicable.
  • Completed NC Residency Form.
  1. Admission with Conditions
    With the approval of the Office of Graduate Education, the Graduate Program Coordinator of his/her proposed program and the chairperson; a student may be admitted with conditions. The student must satisfy the same criteria for the Unconditional Admission, but upon review of the student’s application, his/her acceptance may have specific conditions rendered by the respective department. These conditions may require the student to maintain a certain GPA or take additional courses that may better prepare them for their program of study. If these conditions are not met within the designated timeframe established by the Graduate Program Coordinator, the student may be dismissed from the program.
  2. Special Student Admission​
    ​Elizabeth City State University recognizes the admission classification of special students. This designation is a temporary classification for persons who wish to take courses for licensure renewal, transfer of credits to another institution, personal satisfaction, or completion of Graduate Application Packets. This classification terminates on the date of the student’s completion of successful application (not later than the end of the second semester of enrollment) or admission to a Graduate Program. Persons admitted as special students are not candidates for a degree. They may take only nine credits before being admitted to a program leading to a Master’s degree. Credits earned while a student is designated as a special graduate student may later be applied toward the fulfillment of the requirements of a graduate degree program provided:
    1. The action is recommended by the graduate coordinator of the student’s intended major and approved by the chair;
    2. The credit was earned within the past two years;
    3. The amount of credit does not exceed nine semester hours;
    4. The work is “B” level or better, and
    5. The work has not been taken to remove deficiencies. (Deficiencies are defined as qualifications needed in order to meet Graduate Education admission standards).

Assignment of Student Advisors

Advisors are assigned through the department or area in which the student is enrolled.

Graduate Education Program of Study

Each student’s program of study is planned by the department or area advisor in consultation with the student. All students must have a program of study, and it is the student’s responsibility to follow the program of study. The advisor should forward a copy of each student’s approved program of study and the completed Program of Study Approval Form to the Graduate Coordinator and the Office of Graduate Education.

International Student Admissions

The Office of Graduate Education and the Office of the Registrar coordinate international graduate student admissions. In order to be considered for admission, international applicants should submit the following items:

  • Application: International applicants may apply online but are also required to submit a paper application;
  • Application Fee, if applicable;
  • Transcripts: An official transcript, marked sheets, or documents with official seals should be provided from each college or university that you have previously attended. The documents should be provided in your native language of issue as well as an official, notarized, or certified copy in English; must be submitted before the end of your first term of enrollment.
  • Official 3rd party credential evaluation by WES (World Education Services), IEE (International Education Evaluations, Inc.), or ECE (Education Credential Evaluators) - must be submitted before the end of your first term of enrollment;
  • Three letters of recommendation (check for specific program requirements);
  • English Proficiency: If English is not your native language and you have not completed at least one year of education at a United States school, you are required to take a standardized English language exam. The University accepts either the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), and scores must be forwarded to the University by the testing service. An IBT TOEFL score of 20 on each section for a total minimum score of 80, 550 (paper-based), or 213 (computer-based), or IELTS score of 6.5 is required to meet the language exam requirement.
  • Standardized Admission Tests: Official reports of standardized admission test results must be sent directly to the Office of Graduate Education by the testing service (GRE or GMAT if required);
  • Financial Information: Your financial support can come from any combination of the following sources in the United States or abroad. The submitted documents must prove the availability of liquid funds. They must be less than six months old, original (except when stated otherwise), and in English:
    • PERSONAL FUNDS (your own savings), a bank statement in your name, or a bank letter on official bank letterhead stating the current balance, when the account was opened and the average balance.
    • SPONSORS (Parents, relatives, friends who will provide you with support in the form of cash). An Affidavit of Support (this form may be photocopied for each sponsor) and bank statement in the name of the sponsor or an Affidavit of Support (this form may be photocopied for each sponsor) and bank letter on official bank letterhead stating the current balance, when the account was opened and the average balance.
    • FINANCIAL SUPPORT FROM GOVERNMENT AGENCY OR ORGANIZATION. The original award letter stating the exact amount that you will be receiving, what it will cover, and for how long.
  • We advise you to obtain an additional set of financial documents since they may be required by the United States Consular Office during your visa application process.

Special Students (Non-Degree Seeking)

Students who are taking courses for reasons such as personal enrichment or transfer may be permitted to take courses by submitting the following to the Office of Graduate Education:

  1. A completed admission application and a non-refundable fee, if applicable;
  2. Two official transcripts of baccalaureate degrees from each college or university previously attended, submitted in sealed envelopes or online.

Special students who are not working toward a graduate degree are permitted to take graduate courses only with written permission of the Graduate Program Coordinator, Department Chair, and the Director of Graduate Education. Courses taken as a special student are not normally counted toward a graduate degree. However, if a student is accepted into a degree program, up to nine hours of course work may be included in the student’s program of study upon approval of the student’s advisor. Students are advised, however, that departments may reserve courses for degree-seeking students only.

Special students who decide to pursue a degree must complete and submit a complete Graduate Application Packet.


A student may register as an auditor for a course with the written consent of the instructor, the Graduate Program Coordinator, the Department Chair, and the Director of Graduate Education. Classes audited shall count as a part of the student’s load, but he or she will receive no credit and no grade will be assigned. An auditor is expected to be regular in class attendance. An auditor is not required to take tests and examinations. An auditor who finds it necessary to discontinue class attendance should formally drop the course. Auditors must submit a completed Application for Graduate Admission, and register officially for the class he or she desires to audit. Students who are enrolled as full-time students may audit a maximum of six (6) credits per semester. Students who are enrolled as part-time students may audit a maximum of three (3) credits per semester.

Transfer of Graduate Credits While Enrolled in an Undergraduate Program at Elizabeth City State University

A course that was completed while a student was enrolled as an undergraduate at Elizabeth City State University may be considered for transfer to a master’s program provided that (1) it is at the 500 level or higher; (2) the grade is B or better; and (3) it is recommended by the Coordinator of the Department’s Graduate Program and the Department Chair at the time of the student’s enrollment in the Graduate School. Students admitted to the Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s (ABM) program may use up to 15 hours of graduate credit to satisfy requirements for both the bachelor’s and the master’s degrees. No graduate credit will be allowed for a course completed in an undergraduate classification at another institution.

Course Load

Students enrolled for nine (9) or more credit hours during a regular semester and six (6) or more credit hours during each summer session are classified as full-time students. No more than twelve (12) credit hours of work may be taken in one regular semester or six (6) credit hours of work during each summer session unless approval is granted by the student’s advisor, department chair, the Graduate Program Coordinator, and the Director of Graduate Education.

Course Substitutions and Waivers

Only under special circumstances will substitution for or exemption from the prescribed curriculum be permitted. To substitute or waive a course, students must submit a request on the appropriate form to their advisor. The form must be approved by the advisor, the Graduate Program Coordinator, the Department Chair in the discipline in which students are seeking a degree, the Director of Graduate Education, and the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.

Transfer Credits

A maximum of six semester hours of transfer credits for graduate courses with a grade of 3.0 or higher may be accepted toward completion of a master’s degree at Elizabeth City State University. The remaining hours must be earned in residence. Only courses that count toward a degree at an accredited institution will be considered for transfer credit. Credits gained in correspondence courses at any institution will not be accepted.

Students wishing to transfer credits must submit official transcripts and other appropriate course identification information to their advisor for initial approval. The recommendations of the advisor are forwarded to the Graduate Program Coordinator, Department Chair, and the Director of Graduate Education for final approval. Course work may be transferred upon the student’s admission into a graduate education program. Course work transferred must not be more than six years old at the time the degree is awarded.

Requirements for Continuous Enrollment

A student enrolled in any graduate program must maintain satisfactory progress toward the degree. The student is expected to achieve a satisfactory grade (“A” or “B”) in all course work attempted for graduate credit. A student who receives in excess of two “C” grades, or one “F” grade in any course will be withdrawn from the University. When special circumstances warrant, students may appeal withdrawal by petitioning the Graduate Council. The petition must be supported by the Graduate Program Coordinator and the Department Chair, then forwarded to the Director of Graduate Education. The petition will be forwarded to the Graduate Council for a decision.

Language Requirements

Students should contact the major department for specific language requirements.

Admission to Candidacy

Admission to Elizabeth City State University in a degree program does not carry with it admission to candidacy for the graduate degree. Approval of degree candidacy by the Office of Graduate Education certifies that the student’s academic performance has been reviewed and that permission to pursue the program of study has been granted. Admission to candidacy, granted by the Director of Graduate Education when students have completed a minimum of 12-15 credit hours, requires the following:

  1. Admission to a degree-seeking program;
  2. Completion of a minimum of 12-15 and no more than 18 credit hours of graduate study at Elizabeth City State University, with a GPA of 2.5 or higher at the time of application for admission to candidacy;
  3. Departmental assignment of an advisor;
  4. Departmental approval of the program of study; and
  5. Satisfaction of other conditions affecting admission.
    The following is the procedure for requesting admission to degree candidacy:
  6. The Graduate Program Coordinator submits an Application to Degree Candidacy Form to the Office of Graduate Education after the student completes 12-15 hours of graduate study at Elizabeth City State University; and
  7. The Office of Graduate Education processes the form and distributes copies to the student, advisor, Graduate Program Coordinator, and Department Chair.

Thesis/Product of Learning

A written thesis or product of learning and its defense are required for all master’s candidates. The purpose of the thesis/product of learning is to provide an experience in scholarship and research, which will be of enduring value to the student in understanding how new knowledge is developed. The thesis/product of learning provides tangible evidence of the student’s development as a scholar and especially his or her capacity to discover and effectively communicate research findings. The thesis/product of learning should expand the body of knowledge in the student’s chosen field. The thesis/product of learning must represent an original investigation into a subject, which has been approved by the student’s Thesis/Product of Learning Graduate Advisement Committee. The Director of Graduate Education will ensure that Graduate Education guidelines and policies are adhered to and will signify completion of requirements for the thesis or product of learning.

The student must choose a thesis or product of learning committee in consultation with the major advisor. The committee will consist of 3-5 graduate faculty members, one of whom must be chair of the Thesis/Product of Learning Graduate Advisement Committee and one from outside the student’s major department. The committee must be approved by the Graduate Coordinator, the Department Chair (if applicable), and the Director of Graduate Education.

Each student must submit a proposal to do a thesis/product of learning. The proposal must be approved by the Thesis/Product of Learning Graduate Advisement Committee. The Director of Graduate Education will ensure that Graduate Education guidelines and policies are adhered to and will signify completion of the proposal.

Once the thesis/product of learning is completed, an application for the oral defense must be filed with the Director of Graduate Education by the chair of the Thesis/Product of Learning Graduate Advisement Committee. The application must be filed at least one (1) week prior to when the defense is to be held and must be accompanied by certification that the thesis/product of learning is complete except for revisions which may be necessary as a result of the oral defense.

A written notice of the time and place of the defense of the thesis will be sent by the Director of Graduate Education to the candidate and each member of the committee. The oral defense is an academic evaluation of the thesis/product of learning by the committee, and it is open to the committee members, university faculty, and approved guests. During the defense, the Thesis/Product of Learning Graduate Advisement Committee may ask the candidate questions regarding subject matter in the student’s major field.

The defense must be at least four weeks before graduation, and the results must be sent within three days of the defense to the Director of Graduate Education. A student may defend the thesis/product of learning a maximum of two times. The maximum credit allowed for the thesis is six semester hours. Three paper copies and one electronic copy of the Thesis/Product of Learning in final form must be submitted to the Office of Graduate Education prior to graduation. Detailed information on form and organization is presented in the Requirements for the Thesis Preparation Manual www.ecsu.edu/academics/graduate/docs/ThesisDocument.pdf

Policy on Completion of Thesis/Product of Learning

Students who have completed their course work and the number of thesis/product of learning hours for credit required in their graduate degree program but have not completed their thesis/product of learning, must take one of two actions as follows:

  1. Students who will continue to use university resources in completing their degrees must enroll in and pay tuition and fees for the culminating Thesis/Capstone Course 699 as appropriate for all degree programs. The hours will not count toward the degree. (EDU 699, ELPS 699, BIOL 699-700, MATH 699)
  2. Students who will not use university resources should apply for a leave of absence. Students choosing this option must file a formal petition with the Office of Graduate Education for a leave of absence that states that they will not use university resources during the leave period. Students granted a leave of absence must re-apply for active status in the graduate program.
  3. Students will receive the “IP” grade in the Capstone/Thesis course when they have been approved to receive additional time to complete the requirements of the course (presently in place). To continue toward completion of this work during the next semester, the student must register for the class again and pay tuition with the same number of credit hours that were assigned to the class in which the “IP” grade was awarded. At the completion of all required work, the final grade will be awarded and the “IP” grade will be changed to the “S” grade. The “S” grade will not affect the grade point average nor carry any weight in hours earned or attempted. The student will graduate with no “IP” grades on the record. Students will have no more than four (4) semesters to complete their Capstone/Thesis.

Regardless of the course of action selected, all students must be enrolled in thesis/product of learning preparation courses for credit during the semester in which they complete their graduate work or are scheduled to receive their degree.

Degree Time Limit/Statute of Limitations

All graduate degrees, including the thesis/product of learning, must be completed within six (6) calendar years from the date the first course(s) carrying graduate degree credits applicable to the student’s program is/are begun.

Student Conduct

Students enrolled at Elizabeth City State University are expected to maintain high standards of honor, scholastically and morally. Self-discipline should be the primary goal of each student. Registration at the University implies the student’s acceptance of the published rules and regulations as stated in the Student Handbook and other university publications.

The integrity and behavior of students will reflect upon themselves, their families, and Elizabeth City State University. Students are also expected to respect the rights and privileges of others and to abide by the laws of the city, state, and nation, and by all of the rules and regulations of ECSU.

Students should avoid all forms of Scholastic Dishonesty, such as the following:

  1. Plagiarism: Copied work, word for word, or in substance, from the writings of others and presented as one’s written work for credit. It is always assumed that the written work offered for credit is the student’s own unless proper credit is given the original author;
  2. Collusion: Working with another person in the preparation of notes, themes, reports, or other written work offered for credit unless collaboration is specifically approved in advance by the instructor;
  3. Cheating on an Examination or Quiz: Giving or receiving, offering or soliciting information, or using prepared material in an examination or a quiz. When taking an examination or quiz, students are expected to refrain from talking, bringing notes and books, and they must remain in the room until the examination is finished unless the instructor approves of the student’s leaving after finishing the examination or quiz;
  4. Impersonation: Allowing another person to attend classes, take examinations, or do graded assignments for an enrolled student under his or her name is strictly forbidden.

Incidents of academic dishonesty, which are reported to and affirmed by the Graduate Grievance and Appeals Committee, will result in punitive measures ranging from issuing a grade of failure to expulsion from the University. The action taken will be in accordance with the severity of the act as adjudicated by the parties which are responsible for administering this policy, namely the Graduate Grievance and Appeals Committee, the Director of Graduate Education, and the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.

Academic Sanctions

Students with a cumulative grade point average below required standards (3.00) must limit their course load to six (6) semester hours and are subject to an academic warning (first occurrence), and/or suspension (second occurrence). Students have the right to appeal academic suspensions and apply for readmission if they believe that failure to maintain the minimum cumulative grade point average or expected grade achievement for continued enrollment was due to extenuating circumstances. Students may appeal academic suspension and apply for readmission to the University by adhering to the following procedure:


Students seeking readmission must write a letter, with appropriate documentation, to the Chair of the Graduate Grievance and Appeals Committee at least four (4) working days before the official late registration period ends. The letter should be addressed to:

Chair of the Graduate Grievance and Appeals Committee
Campus Box 943
Elizabeth City State University
Elizabeth City, NC 27909


Students must secure a letter containing an approved schedule of classes (not to exceed 6 semester hours) from their academic advisor and have it endorsed by the Graduate Program Coordinator and Chair.


The Graduate Grievance and Appeals Committee will convene two (2) working days before the official late registration period ends each semester.


The decisions of the Graduate Grievance and Appeals Committee will be forwarded to the Provost and Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs and the Office of the University Registrar for implementation.

Students returning after suspension will have a limited class load of not more than six (6) semester hours during the first semester of readmission and must maintain a 3.0 grade point average until they have satisfied the minimum GPA requirement.

Students who have been suspended a second time for academic reasons may not apply for readmission until one year has passed from the date of suspension.

Students who have been suspended a third time for academic reasons are permanently dismissed unless special permission is granted for readmission by the Graduate Grievance and Appeals Committee.

Appeals Procedure for Program Admission, Retention, Exit, Grade Change, or Scholarship Dishonesty

The appeals procedure provides each graduate student the opportunity to formally appeal a program admission, retention, exit, grade change, or scholarship dishonesty decision in the graduate program. When such disputes arise, students should immediately contact their advisor. Each appeal submitted according to this procedure must be an individual action by an individual student. Class action appeals by one student on behalf of several students are not permitted.


If a student wishes to appeal a decision, she or he must notify his or her advisor. The concern(s) should be put in writing, with a copy to the Graduate Coordinator within five (5) working days after the student has received written notice of the action. The student’s written request should include a brief summary of the facts of the case and reasons for making the appeal. With the aid of the Graduate Coordinator in scheduling an appointment, the student will meet within five (5) working days with the advisor, Graduate Coordinator, and department chair to privately discuss the disputed decision.


If the dispute is not resolved in Step I to the student’s satisfaction and if the student still believes that the appeal has merit based on the facts of the case, she or he has the right to file a formal written appeal with the Chair who will forward it immediately to the Graduate Grievance and Appeals Committee. Guidelines for filing a formal admission, retention or exit decision appeal are as follows:

  1. An appeal must be based on evidence that the program area in question has made an error in making its decision. The written appeal must describe specifically the challenged action of the program area. The students also should present all other evidence or documentation in support of his or her appeal; and
  2. An appeal must be kept on file in the Graduate Coordinator’s office fifteen working days after the meeting described in Step I has taken place.
    Within ten working days after receipt of the written appeal, the Graduate Coordinator must schedule a hearing before the Graduate Grievance and Appeals Committee. The committee shall be composed of at least three faculty members, a graduate student, with the Graduate Coordinator serving as an ex-officio member. The faculty members shall be members of the Graduate Council, with alternates serving when there is a conflict of interest. The student appellant may, however, request in advance in writing that the student be excused and that his or her appeal be heard only by the faculty members. The committee shall conduct a hearing according to the following guidelines:
  3. At least 48 hours prior to the hearing, the Graduate Coordinator will distribute to committee members any written information in support of either the student or the program area involved;
  4. A detailed record shall be kept of the hearing, preferably by audio tape or video recording. The transcribed record will be signed by members of the Graduate Grievance and Appeals Committee asserting that the transcript is a true record of the hearing proceedings. Records of any Step II appeal shall be kept on file in the Graduate Coordinator’s office and copies shall be provided, upon request, to the student who has initiated the appeal or the program area which is involved in the appeal. Usual and customary costs associated with duplicating appeals records shall be borne by the program area requesting copies;
  5. The hearing shall be closed;
  6. The student, the representatives, and the Graduate Program Coordinator shall be permitted an advisor. Advisors may be members of the university community, i.e., students or full-time faculty or staff members;
  7. The Graduate Grievance and Appeals Committee chair shall begin the hearing by starting the tape recorder, announcing the name of the person who will be taking minutes, and reviewing the guidelines and procedures under which the hearing will be conducted; The Committee Chair will then announce, “This Appeals hearing is being held on (date). (Name of student) is appealing the (program area) decision on (program admissions, retention, exit, grade change or scholarship dishonesty requirements). The following committee members are in attendance today: (members give their names);”
  8. In order, the student and the program area representative will present their cases. Both the student and the program area representative may call witnesses, and the student, program area representatives, advisor, and committee members all have the right to question any witnesses who are called. The student and the program area representative should be asked for brief closing statements;
  9. The chair will then close the hearing with, “This Appeals Hearing is now concluded.” The committee will meet in executive session and will present its findings, in writing, to the graduate coordinator within five (5) working days. The written decision and recommendations will contain a numerical report of the vote and will be signed by the members of the committee. The Graduate Coordinator will notify the student and the program area representative of the Graduate Committee’s decision and recommendations. The Graduate Coordinator should forward a written copy of all proceedings to the Office of Graduate Education for inclusion in the student’s file.

Registration Procedures

Students admitted to a degree program will receive a letter from the Director of Graduate Education specifying their admissions status and advisor. Students are expected to contact their advisor to pre-register and complete the registration process (including the payment of required fees), in accordance with the university calendar.

Schedule Changes

Students may add/drop courses according to university guidelines. Students must contact their advisor and pay particular attention to printed procedures. No course is officially dropped or added until the required procedure is completed.

Withdrawal from Classes

Any student who officially registers for a course must attend it or else drop the course using the Change of Schedule Form secured from the University Registrar’s Office and executing the proper procedures within the designated time. A student who does not officially withdraw from a course receives an “F” grade for the course at the end of the session and/or semester. Students may administratively withdraw from a course or courses with written approval from the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.

Withdrawal from the University

All students who are officially registered for classes and who wish to withdraw from the University must complete the withdrawal procedure at least two weeks prior to final exam week. Students must visit the Office of the Registrar to begin the process. The Registrar will explain the process, the consequences and the possible options relative to withdrawing from the University. Students will be directed to the OSFAS in order to address financial obligations. Students who have a pending judicial charge are not allowed to withdraw from the University before the outcome of charges is completed on campus. In accordance with this policy, the University Registrar will record grades of ‟WD” based upon the Withdrawal Report. Students who do not officially withdraw from the University will receive a grade of ‟F.” Students who are administratively withdrawn from a course or the University for disciplinary reasons and/or under special circumstances with written approval from the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs will receive a grade of “WA.”

Class Attendance Regulations

Students are expected to attend all classes. The maximum number of absences permitted shall not exceed twice the number of times the course meets per week. No additional absences shall be allowed except in the most severe and unusual circumstances. If class sessions are missed, students are expected to complete required course work.

Should a student exceed the allowable number of absences, the professor has the option of informing the student (in writing) that a grade of “FA” will be turned in at the end of the semester. At this point, the student may wish to officially withdraw from the class.

When the instructor informs a student of an intention to turn in a grade of “FA” because of excess absences, the student may appeal. The appeal process begins with the professor. Next, an appeal may be made to the Graduate Program Coordinator, the professor’s department chair and finally, the Graduate Grievance and Appeals Committee. All such appeals must be initiated within five (5) days of the time the student is sent notification of the professor’s intention to turn in an “FA” grade. No appeal will be allowed after course grades have been submitted to the registrar. Records of the appeals hearing must be submitted to the Office of Graduate Education.

Grades and Scholarship

Course requirements, including methods of evaluation, shall be given at the first class meeting. Grades consist of “A, B, C, I, IP, F, and W.

  1. A “B” (3.0 of 4.0 Grading Scale) average is required for graduation;
  2. Graduate courses with a final grade of “C” may be credited toward completion of any part of the degree program;
  3. A student who receives a final grade of “C” in excess of six (6) credit hours will be terminated from his or her program; however, no more than two (2) “C” grades may be credited for graduation.

Definition of Grades

A Excellent
B Good
C Low Pass
I Incomplete - The grade of “I” is given for a deficiency of work done in a course. Requirements for removal of an incomplete must be submitted to the instructor who will then forward the change of grade to the registrar. No student will be allowed to graduate with an “I” grade.
IP In Progress - The grade of “IP” indicates that the student has not completed the Thesis/Product of Learning.
F Failure
W Withdraw

Change of Grade

A change of grade, other than “I”, for any reason, must be made within one year from the date the original grade was received. An “I” grade earned in any given term (Fall, Spring, Summer) must be removed by the end of the eight weeks of classes during the next regular semester (see Academic Calendar). If not removed, the grade of “I” will be automatically changed to a grade of “IF”.

Privacy of Student Educational Records Policy

The university policy for the administration of student educational records is in accordance with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, also known as the Buckley Amendment or FERPA. Identifiable personal information contained in student educational records will not be disclosed to persons outside the University without prior written consent of the student. Under this policy, the student also has a right to access his or her student educational records maintained by the University or any department or unit within the University.

Application for Admission Deadlines

The completed application packet must be received by the Office of Graduate Education by the dates below to ensure that an admission decision is made prior to the start of classes for the following semester:

Spring Semester - November 15
Fall Semester - July 1
Summer Session - April 15

It is the policy of the Office of Graduate Education to respond only to written inquiries from applicants regarding the status of the application.

Graduation Requirements

The master’s degree may be conferred upon a student who has successfully completed the program of work. Persons who wish to graduate in a certain term must: (1) apply for graduation and (2) have completed all graduation requirements by the specified dates for graduation in that term.

A graduate student’s grades may not average lower than 3.00. To calculate the average, all grades will be counted in all courses that are attempted. A limit of six (6) semester hours of credit in courses with a final grade of “C” will be credited toward the master’s degree. All grades of “F” and “I” which are in the approved graduate program of study must be removed by the time of graduation.

Application for Graduation

To become a candidate for graduation, a student must submit an application with the Office of the Registrar no later than the date set forth in the academic calendar. The University assumes no responsibility for making adjustments for students who fail to file an application by the designated date. A candidate who fails to file an application for graduation or to meet graduation requirements by the designated dates automatically voids his candidacy for that particular graduation.

The application for graduation for the fall must be filed by July 15, for spring semester by November 15, and for the summer by April 15. The Application for Graduation Form should be filed in the Office of the Registrar, with copies distributed as indicated on the Form.

Presence of candidates for degrees is required at graduating exercises, except when permission for graduating in absentia has been granted by the Director of Graduate Education and the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. A written request for permission to graduate in absentia must be made at least 10 days prior to Commencement Day. It is the sole responsibility of each candidate for graduation to meet with the major advisor to have his or her academic record evaluated for the purpose of finding out whether all institutional and departmental requirements for graduation have been met least 10 days prior to Commencement Day. It is the sole responsibility of each candidate for graduation to meet with the major advisor to have his or her academic record evaluated for the purpose of finding out whether all institutional and departmental requirements for graduation have been met.

Commencement Exercises

Elizabeth City State University has two Commencements: one ending the spring semester and the other ending the fall semester. Students completing their requirements during or by the end of the last term of summer or fall semester will participate in the Fall Commencement Exercises. Those students finishing at the end of the spring semester will participate in the Spring Commencement Exercises.

The Graduate Council

The Graduate Council is an Advisory Committee whose purpose is to make policy recommendations to the Director of Graduate Education for the guidance of department chairs and program coordinators in the development and implementation of their program curricula. Policies must be consistent with overall institutional polices and accreditation standards of state, regional and national associations with which the institution or school holds membership. Policy recommendations requiring curricular changes must follow the university process.

  • The Graduate Council is chaired by the Director of Graduate Education and is composed of the following individuals:
  • Department Chairs from each department that offer a graduate degree and/or are planning to establish a graduate degree program;
  • One faculty representative from each department that offers a graduate degree (Graduate Program Coordinator);
  • One student from each department that offers a graduate degree;
  • One representative from one of the university support areas: Registrar’s Office, Financial Aid, Business and Finance, and Office of Admissions;
  • Director of Library Services;
  • One Alumnus (Rotate from each Department);
  • Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs - Ex-officio; and
  • Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs - Ex-officio.

Members are appointed by the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, based on the recommendations by the Director of Graduate Education and The Graduate Council. The Graduate Council structure and membership will be reviewed every two years to determine whether changes in its composition would improve its functioning. The role of the Graduate Council is to serve in an advisory capacity to the Director of Graduate Education and to ensure that graduate education maintains high standards of excellence. The Council will meet a minimum of twice per semester to:

  • Monitor program accreditation standards and program implementation;
  • Encourage professional growth and scholarly productivity of the faculty;
  • Take an active role in recruiting well-qualified students from diverse economic, racial, and cultural backgrounds;
  • Recommend policies governing criteria for admission to graduate programs;
  • Review applications for admission to candidacy, giving attention to both the design and the content of the of the proposed research;
    • Make recommendations regarding requests from students to transfer in courses and to receive an extension of time to complete a program;
  • Review student progress annually;
  • Monitor and upgrade library holdings in the subject areas;
  • Promote active student involvement in Graduate Education;
  • Review and certify Graduate Faculty for Full, Associate, and Temporary Status and
  • Oversee the follow-up of graduates for the expressed purpose of program improvement.

Standing Committees

The following standing committees are organized to advise the Council on matters relative to operational efficiency of Graduate Education Programs:

  • Executive Committee;
  • Graduate Grievance and Appeals Committee;
  • Marketing and Publications Committee;
  • Enrollment Management Committee; and
  • Graduate Faculty Review Committee.

DR. HELEN MARSHALL CALDWELL Department of Education

Go to information for DR. HELEN MARSHALL CALDWELL Department of Education.

Degree Programs

Master of Education

Master of School Administration

Department of Natural Sciences, Pharmacy and Health Professions

Go to information for Department of Natural Sciences, Pharmacy and Health Professions.

Degree Programs

Master of Science

Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Engineering Technology

Go to information for Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Engineering Technology.

Degree Programs

Master of Science